This is a great thread.
I too just have to know something is true. Truth is more important to be than bliss.
Am I happier now than when I was a Jehovah's Witness? At times yes, at times no. The outside real world can be harsher than the sheltered JW world and many people like Kevin are very happy to live in a place where there are still ups and downs but the fluctuations are not as steep as they can be out there in reality.
I know my parents could not exist out here in reality. They would be eaten alive.
As you see in most of the things I write, I don't see it as Watchtower = evil. Any other line of thought = good. I think the most important thing is to be on a path that allows you to find a measure of inner satisfaction. This satisfaction is what then allows you to show love to others and help them on their path.
In my experience, I did not know many witnesses, if any, who had found true inner satisfaction. But perhaps I was just projecting my own unsatisfacton onto them.