I'm not a Christian. All the same, I do believe there are some very good Biblical principles to live by. Here's a good one:
"All things are lawful, but not all things are advantageous."
Beautiful. Just because we have the "legal" right to do something or say something does not mean that it is the appropriate thing to do. We have a lot of freedom in the world today, and as ex-JWs we have the freedom to do what we feel is best without a religion dictating our very thoughts. How do we use that freedom?
Sometimes I think now is the time when people's colors really shine through. Now as ex-JWs we are freed from the Society, and for some God, watching our every move ready to strike us down. What do we do now? Collapse under the weight of our own desires and selfishness? Kow-tow to pride and the need to prove our superiority over others? What?
I'm going to try and take a break from much that goes on in this parallel universe known as the internet. Do some self-reflecting. Volunteer for some charity. Do good. Maybe even find that baby that came with the bathwater.
Bradley....in a poetic, introspective mood. Be well all.