Dear Son,
Today is your birthday. It would mean so much to me to be able to tell you "happy birthday".. but I can't. How I would love to hug you and hold you and tell you how much that day meant to me.. when you first came into my life but your cult religion won't let me.
You life and mine merged into one on the day you were born, and you changed my life forever. I remember the day of your birth like it was just a moment ago: your first cries, your soft baby skin, and the way you nozzled my neck when I held you close. You're a grown man now, but you are still my first born and the keeper of my heart. The JWs have convinced you that BD celebrations are wicked, but every mother remembers the day of her child's birth and how precious that moment in time is to her. My hope is that one day you will see through the mind control and you will break free. Until then, I can't tell you "happy birthday" in person, so I will post here, on this board, for all to see, and where many others have experenced the utter desolation of "family" caused by this horrific cult. But, anyway, my son...
Happy Birthday