Vanderhoven7, I was in error in what I said in my prior post about you. I just now noticed I had skipped over your introductory words of "Here is Mark Jones' experience."
WT Ruining Members' Futures
by HiddlesWife 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This somewhat describes my parents. They put off doing anything financially advantageous or risky (IE, going into business) be The End was sooooo very, very near. Did not want to be "materialistic". No pensions and thus worked well into their 70's. Fortunately for them, they inherited a nice stash (a couple of times).
Occasionally i think about the fact that this could have been us if we'd have repeated the same mistakes. We were zealous JDubs. We did a lot for "Kingdom Interests". Lots of "investment" -- money, time, sweat, etc. Fortunately, I realized early on that wealthy JDubs were revered. (When you're rich they think you really know. ~ Tevye) Thus, I had no qualms about working with the goal to make money (vs just getting by and pioneering). I worked for a couple very successful businessmen early in life and they were my role models. Here we are today, outcasts in the JDub World (tho not DFd or DAd), but have heard back through the grapevine several sneers about us enjoying our "Paradise" now.
The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life!
So, because you are able to afford a roof over your head and food on the table you are having a ‘paradise now’?🙄.. If any idiot Witnesses ever said that to me, I’d have a ready answer for them.
I would tell them that ‘They had THEIR reward in FULL when they got invited to all those gatherings/dinners and got patted on the back by clueless people there because they pioneered’.. Meanwhile, I worked and got the cold shoulder.. I’m certainly not ‘rich’ as these fools may think and have to watch my pennies, but I wouldn’t be retired if I listened to them.
Forgive me if I’m NOT interested in people there unwise enough to fall for all the hoopla who didn’t plan for their future.. Persons like this are going to have to get out and get a full-time J.O.B. (like the woman described in the OP).
I can recall that any brothers who had even a slightly nicer lifestyle than the norm were looked upon as snobs, or people whose wealth could be an obstacle. Keep in mind that this was in a moderately poor area of New York City, so these families were not living it up!
But I think it is common in these environments for people to have these competing views- they sneer at people who are doing well (even by the low standards of their neighborhood) while also wishing that they had more money of their own. But the JW worldview makes it okay to stay poor because you can justify it by believing that it somehow makes you more righteous.
My family and I was at a Con-vention and one of the clown Governing Body Guys in his expansive suit started talking about serving God with our valuable things by giving to Watchtower.
To Foolednomore: And all the while those GBGs are living the Life of Riley with more than the usual creature comforts, many dubs are STRUGGLING to make ends meet. They are SUBLIMINALLY INFLUENCED to "wait on Jehovah" and discouraged to do more for themselves so that they can at least SURVIVE/LIVE comfortably and not die DESTITUTE! 😫🤬
I knew a woman who was living on the kindnesses of others. She did some work but she was in poor health, so not like she could hold down a real job. I don't know her entire history so as to know how long she was married to a circuit overseer and in the work with him( and my understanding is he wasn't kind. ) She took care of him until he died and there was NOTHING for her. I think she ended up with the very lowest social security...She moved around a bit between those that would help her...I hope she found a good place...but the friends ( or someone) would definitely have to help her. While she was here, a sister spent her own inheritance helping her with a place to live and making up easy work for her ( this kind sister is barely able to care for herself at times) There is nothing for those who accept greenhandshakes and live on the kudos of others once they get older and turned out to pasture. In the Bible, the widows were to be taken care of if they didn't have family to see about them...there isn't any program for assisting in the JW...if you don't have family, just get the social services and don't forget to donate! I used to think it wonderful that after disasters the brothers would go and repair homes...I didn't know the end game was to collect homeowner's insurance.
for some reason I couldn't go back and edit what I wrote 30 minutes ago...It seems to me I came to learn that the society does provide a bit ( haven't a clue how much ) to retired circuit overseers. I learned it this way...I was told the retired CO that lived here locally didn't need the money and would donate it back to JW...I wondered at the time, why not give it to this widow of a deceased CO who had nothing but a suitcase of clothes. Maybe some could speak to the income of Circuit overseers and retired Circuit overseers. ( and what other titles did the JW support? missionaries? special pioneers? ?? because I don't know.
She is now WAKING UP, seeing that ALL of the things she did for the Borg and the DONATIONS she gave to it, THEY HAVE NOT HELPED HER IN ANY SHAPE, FORM, OR FASHION regarding her life at this juncture in time.
This typifies at least for me, the experiences of many.
It is my experience in many ways too.
I don't know what to say, really. Once you realise all your efforts and 'contributions(tm)' are just so that the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), can protect paedophiles and keep TOMO3rd drunk.
Religion is s snare and a racket.
Hiddley. Just to confirm. VZ = Visitors?
What is NI? Northern Ireland? I'm not up on these abbreviations.
As with Truthy, isn't it funny how 'worldly(tm)' people are far more compassionate than the WBT$ likes to lie about.
Beth Sarim
On the Mike and Kim youtube channel last nite, Kim related how 'many' are likely waking-up and leaving the Borg now.
Seeing through all the B,S. and lies.