In all the oldest writings of the history and future of mankind, including the bible, especially Revelation, we are given so much in the form of visions and dreams. There seems to be no clear understanding. If I wrote down a dream that I had and said it was a vision about the future, who would believe me?
The earth is a part of the universe, and is like a wheel within a wheel. Everything in it proceeds as it is meant to. It has a beginning, and it will have an end. We tend to think everything written has to do with "us". It really has so little to do with the population that resides here, as we are merely hosts for the soul. We cannot possible know or comprehend the great plan, but I do have faith there is "something very loving" out there, that will take care of everything. Whatever happens, I realize that I have no control. I cannot change anything. But I do have this life right now, and so I will try to show love and compassion and look for the good.
We as humans, are not supposed to "know or understand" the universal secrets. Our "soul" may give us glimpses along the way, but we play only a small part. We only catch a portion of the bits and pieces, and for now, that is how it is supposed to be. Mankind is not ready. There are divine creatures who do know and understand, and still they must wait as well.
All we can do, is give our soul a good journey. Live our live fully and honestly, for in whatever situation we find ourselves, it is the experience of all that we live through, good and bad, that the soul will get out of us through this journey. We play only a small part in the grand plan. I realize this is difficult for some to understand, but it should not cause undue fear or a collapse of faith.
These "signs" are just a signal that someone is really in charge and some things need to happen. The earth is changing. The sun is changing. The planets are moving about in a little different way than for a very long time. These prophecies and visions are perhaps a soul that has given a man a unique "peek" into mankinds future at various times, through various mediums or avenues. How could we possible understand all of this? We must leave it up to the one in the universe who keeps everything going, be alert, and open to understanding and wisdom when the time comes. This will be most difficult for those trapped in religious dogma.
On the other hand, we are removed from that entrapment of dogma and the possibilities for enlightenment are mind-bogling.