Bologna sandwiches...

by DanTheMan 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    Hey Dan,

    Not sure if you ever watch the 'food network' but there's a show I like called '30 Min meals'. She does a varity of meals that are fast and easy, you can also see her recipies on . That's a great source for ideas.

    Another great website for quick & easy food is the Campbells website. , you'd be amazed what you can do with a few cans of cream of mushroom soup ;) the scalloped potatoes are really good btw.


  • DanTheMan

    thanks laylaluv and venice!

    Long time no see Ven!!

  • lovinlife
    lovinlife is a really delicious, and totally easy recipe:

    Take out your crock pot...add beef spare ribs or pork spare ribs. Then, add a bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce. Cook all day. Then serve it over rice or pasta...whichever you like. Nice and easy! My favorite sauce is any of the ones with honey in it. And to make the ribs it takes about 3 minutes!

  • iiz2cool

    I've got some excellent recipies for peanut butter chicken breasts on rice, Spare ribs, a potato salad that really rocks, crepes, and a Thai chicken stir fry.


  • DanTheMan

    Thanks lovinlife & Walter!

    I went and got a few things at the grocery this morning, this thread has given me some great ideas. Part of my problem with cooking is that I don't know how to use spices. I tried to make beef stew in the crock pot once, I dumped a bunch of meat and cut-up veggies & what I thought would be enough of various spices to give it good flavor, but it turned out bland as hell, most of it ended up in the garbage disposal.

  • ballistic

    I put on 5 stone as a single bachelor / student. I was completely ignorant as to nutritional value and calorie / fat content in food. I had to educate myself and quick, as there was an extremely fat person inside of me just trying to get out.

    If I can sum up what you need to learn, it is planning. If you buy junk when you're shopping, you'll eat junk. Plan out some main courses which are simple and quick to make, and do not buy pies, chips, sweets on top.

    I have managed to loose all the weight again, and now enjoy a reasonably good diet including bologna sandwiches!

  • SiouxWoman

    Dan Call out for pizza Love your Mr. Hankie

  • DanTheMan


    I'm naturally very thin, but I am concerned about my diet. I live in the fast food capital of the world, it's so easy to spend $4 on a burger & fries combo from Wendy's instead of preparing something halfway nutritous.


    That's actually Cornwallis Hanky, Mr. Hanky's son from the "A Very Crappy Christmas" episode.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Hey, Dan, the best thing is to experiment. You will screw things up - always have Cheerios as emergency backup - but the act of experimenting is great fun and the best recipes are the ones that you come up with yourself.

  • VeniceIT

    Next time you make a stew be sure to add Worcestershire Sauce, or anything with beef, that really helps add a special kick.

    if your not sure about spices go to the section of the grocery store that has all the little packages of seasonings and lil recipes on the back. They're actually pretty good, and easy and a nice variety. Also get the seasoning mixes like, Italian seasoning, Tex-Mex, Creole, Steak---Those are really great and give you a nice blend so you don't have to pick and choose with herbs.

    Also make sure if you make any dish esp. stew, every time you add tomatoes to something add a bit of salt, or salt them before you put them in, it makes a difference.

    An easy thing I used to make was a can of kidney beans, a can of stewed tomatoes (Mexican stewed if you can get them), heat that up in a pot. Then drain it and put it on a tortilla with cheese and some salsa. It's very fast, you could also cook up a bit of ground beef (use some taco seasoning) and make tacos, or dump it all over some lettuce and make a taco salad (use Thousand Island dressing).

    Also beef and chicken stock (bullion) is great to add to things to kick them up, just go easy on any additional salt because they have plenty of their own.

    And well another good thing is get used to leftovers. That way you can take the time to make a few diff meals in a week and then eat it for a few days. We do that all the time, or you can freeze the leftovers and have your own TV dinners.

    I would invest in a few good cookbooks. Go to a store (2nd hands good too) flip through some, make sure they have a ton of pictures and that your drawn to them. I'm very picky about cookbooks, if it doesn't appeal to me I won't use it. Just get a few you like and start going through them and making what?s in them. Once you get used to cooking a bit, some of the more involved recipes are not as intimidating. Hell you might even like it, it's a nice hobby to have.


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