by [email protected] 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget

    There have been many discussions about what faiths people are interested in, and there have been posters who have come forward and said they follow that particular faith and there has been a good discussion. And yet this poster, because he/she said they still believe in Jehovah, has been ridiculed. There are a lot of people who still believe in things, but hate the hypocrisy they see in the organisation. If they come here and have the courage to say what they believe are they going to get treated the same way?

    [email protected]

    It's an invitation


    Don't go by what others may say. See for yourselves.

  • sens
    It's an invitation

    ty...will look when i get time

  • shamus


    I sincerely hope not. I would never treat an individual that way. A person wanting to start a religious group, yes.

    And very true, anyone can try it. I would never mock someone for they're personal beliefs. But when you come here and use the same tactics... didn't I already go into this?

  • Special K
    Special K

    Church of Jehovah

    I have just read all the postings under your topic.

    You make it sound so good, because many of us do miss Jehovah after being duped.

    However, SKIZ'S post, which is well researched, and posted with scriptural backing really woke me up before I got sucked into what you are saying.

    Skiz's post showed great many examples of "Jehovah's HATE".. not "Jehovah's love".

    There was no love shown there. It actually shows Jehovah's thirst for bloodshed. Kind of turned my stomach.. because I really want to believe the God Jehovah, is a god of love..

    Your response to skiz's post seem non existent to me. All her scriptural points seem side stepped with a type of mind controlled wording like

    "Love not negativity is the key".

    "We are all imperfect"

    Skiz's post shows that you need to be saying those things to Jehovah.. Jehovah who is so negative.

    You need to convince Jehovah that we are all imperfect.. You don't need to convince us of that.

    Jehovah's thinking appears to be.. I am a God of Love...I am a perfect God... You are let me slaughter you and your children.. and I'll send those of your own kind to do the killing and I'll just set up here and watch the show. What a mish/mash of contradictions.

    Hey man, PINCH YOURSELF! WAKE UP !!!!

    You need to read something like Steven Hassans book "Releasing the Bonds" and ponder the effects of mind control on both yourself and others. Your answers seem to be automated.

    Please hang around and open your eyes and let yourself think about things. think it through and reason on what you are saying.


    Special K

  • avengers
    Jehovah Himself has not done these horrible things, but they are bad fruits of an apostacized Governing Body and others who prefer humans over Jehovah.

    apostacized Governing Body . That's a good one.

    The problem is though that this apostacized Governing Body is the Creator of the God Jehovah
    They use this name to inspire fear into the rank and file.
    Jehovah doesn't exist! He was created by this deceptive Body.

    The fact that you've created a church with his name just shows you still believe in the doctrines of this Governing Body
    The name Jehovah is used to keep all the witnesses in line. I suggest you use another name; not the name of a god which was created by this deceptive bunch of geriatrics.

    I'm glad though that you can see through the cunnings of the Tower and the fact that you're starting a new group
    to make people aware of this shows you're a good person who is really disappointed in the actions of the "slave".

    I myself will not join your group, because the name Jehovah makes me sick to my stomach, literally and figuratively speaking.

    I hope you find a better approach.


  • gumby


    I know you don't like me much already, and I hate adding fuel to the fire but,

    I would never mock someone for they're personal beliefs.

    Yes you have........and I guess I do a bit of it myself at times but.....,

    Why not ALSO try and use some reasoning skills on people who come here with their beliefs? If they are mislead.........are you intrested in helping them.......or telling them to scram? If they are in another lie, then isn't our concern here the same for them as for those in the borg?

    Debates are much more productive and intresting......than simply slamming ideas of other people. I' know you are not the only one by any means that do this, I do, and have done so myself at times.

    Why not give this person a chance to reason a bit first?


  • Nickey

    Simon has already said this: This is not an ex-jw board. At least it's not intended to be. But a discussion board centered around jehovah's witnesses.

    Truth is, there are alot of people here. I've seen a few active jw's, alot of ex-jw's, a few muslims and more athiests.

    Anyway, I may disagree with COJ, but I'm not going to mock and jeer them. Laughing and "screaming" all loud, shooting spit wads across the room.

    They've put forth the invitation, whatever their intent/reason may be. I have the choice to either look at it or not. Ask questions or comment. Answer some questions... "tell me why". Figure out where their coming from and then let them know where I'm coming from.

    Honestly, I commend Blondie in her approach. If anything, that makes me respect a person more.

  • shamus

    Point taken, Gumby. Maybe I shall chill out...

    BTW, sorry if I offended you, Gumby. I certainly don't hate you, or have anything against you... I am a very very VERY sarcastic person by nature, andl, well, that comes across on the internet pretty harsh. Sorry again if I offended...

    My life needs a rewind button...

  • Special K
    Special K

    I agree with you GADGET... I don't think we should be disrespectful

    I welcome Church of Jehovah here to discuss and explore things.

    and I hope I have not offended you, Church of Jehovah, in my posting.

    I responded to your invitation to check out the "Church of Jehovah site" and took a look

    and in the intro it shows that you seem to believe

    1. You believe in the coming of a paradise earth to be coming at some time

    2. You believe in a resurrection

    3. Holy spirit

    4. Jesus Christ

    5. Enjoy Jehovah's Guidance

    It states that you are not affiliated with the Watchtower Society

    and that you used no other printed material to study.. only the bible.

    What I ask then is that you post more of what you do and do not believe..

    What is your groups stand on such things as trinity, disfellowshipping, Holidays, military service, blood transfusions. If you believe in a paradise does that mean you still think there is going to be Armageddon?

    your perceptions and stands on things like this will determine whether I wish to look futher into your site .


    Special K

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