The Over-Commercialization of Christmas

by SanFranciscoJim 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Is anyone else on here as disgusted as I am that right after Halloween we are assaulted with an unending barrage of television commercials advertising Christmas this and Christmas that?

    When I was a kid, it was unthinkable to advertise anything about Christmas before Thanksgiving.

    Nowadays, these smiley-faced rosy-cheeked actors are hawking their Christmas wares to the point where it has become nauseating!

    It's easy to read between the lines -- what they're really saying is: (On their knees with hands clasped) "Please, please buy our products! The economy sucks, and if you don't spend a lot of money on our useless Christmas junk, we're going to go belly up."

    I think everyone's going to get a Chia Pet this year......

    That's my opinion.......what's yours???

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Hey, retailer's business models have been falling off for years, as Christmas has come to represent less and less of their revenue - in this economy, there are a lot of panicking retailers who can't keep their fingers off of the trigger. I've actually read articles that indicate that advertising before Thanksgiving is dropping off from past years, and I hope that trend continues.

  • blondie

    I'm a very traditional girl. I grew up in Europe and I remember it being less commercial. I remember the advent candle, the advent calendar, handcrafted ornaments, no Xmas tree until Xmas eve when the tree was cut then brought home and decorated. I remember the smell of lebkuchen coming from the kitchen.

    But I suppose it is even overcommerical there by now.

    Most businesses today make it or go under based on Christmas sales.


  • moonwillow

    By the time Christmas rolls around you get so tired of it because it's been around since Halloween you can't wait for it to all end. This year I saw Christmas decorations in the store before Halloween! As soon as Christmas is over it will be time for Valentines stuff! Can we not slow down and enjoy the moment?

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    We're getting a tree on December 1st this year. We'll cut our own so it will be really fresh and BIG.

    Money is what the holiday is about right?

    But this year I've got a boyfriend, unless he dumps me to save money on presents. Oh that would suck

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    BF's never dump GF's to save money - they just buy crappy presents.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    I've actually read articles that indicate that advertising before Thanksgiving is dropping off from past years....

    You'd never know it around here (Pennsylvania). Every third commercial on TV is hawking Christmas in one form or another. The drug store around the corner from me already has their Christmas lights flashing in their front picture window.

    When are these retailers going to realize that Christmas is a day and not a season ??

  • cruzanheart

    Oh, I agree completely -- it's total hype! However, since this will be our Very First Christmas, I intend to wallow in all of the songs, ads, etc. Right now I'm shopping for a really good-looking fake tree. We wanted to try a real one, but on the drive from Texas to Florida I noticed that both of my men (husband and 7-year-old son) sneezed quite consistently all through the piney woods, so I figure a fake one is better than real if I want to keep everyone healthy. Plus, I shudder to think what Ladybug (year-old basset hound) would do to a REAL tree. I already know what Dexter (12-year-old MALE basset hound) would do . . . .

    Nina (humming "Deck the Halls" to herself already)

  • iiz2cool

    I don't care for all the commercials, but I watch very little TV anyway. This will be my first year celebrating Christmas in over 20 years, that is, if I find someone to celebrate with.


  • GentlyFeral

    I must admit I see your point about the overlong Xmas ad season, Jim -- despite having been a Christmas Slut for all my non-jaydub life.

    Actually, there were a few years when I really, really appreciated the reminder -- because until this year I began my shopping on October 1, nearly a month before Halloween.

    This year, though, has been so tough that I just don't have the energy. We'll decorate, I'll buy three or four gifts for a few people I love dearly, and then have some real Christmas cheer -- cook dinner for a friend of my daughter's who has no other friends or relatives in the state.

    And I did think money would be an issue, but today I was informed that my disability settlement is going to amount to an extra 1 1/2 day's pay per week -- for the next four years! Tax-free!


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