Older ones here, what do you remember being told about 1975 ???

by run dont walk 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • acsot

    Gawd almighty I'm one of the older ones!

    Yuck!! blech! ugh!! Cripes!

    Yeah, I remember 1975, jeez I wish I didn't, now I'm an "older one". EEEWWWW

    Well, I didn't go on to university because of '75 and Armageddon was about to start.

    a Duncan Phyfe dining room table

    Now that would hurt! Ugh, that's awful; my father was never a dub, but we never had much money anyhow, so financially Armageddon didn't make a difference to my family life, but to give up a gorgeous home and great furniture and a wonderful location... ouch, that must be awful.

    But gosh darnit, being an "older one", god that sucks!

  • lurk

    CULT! !! gasp!!!! surely not

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I recall growing up in the 1960's and my older bother referring to the 1975 date. I remember him saying he would wake up in the middle of the night worrying about Armageddon. I don't know where he got his information but it was circulated amongst the younger ones then.

    I recall studying with an older sister in the late 60's and she said that we wouldn?t graduate in this "system of things".

    In the early 70's I was studying with an older brother and he really pushed me into getting baptized because the end was near. He also would say that we would not graduate high school in this system, let alone growing up, marry and have children.

    Just a few of my personal experiences that it was common knowledge amongst the dubs that 1975 was a marked year.


  • Sassy
    Gawd almighty I'm one of the older ones!

    I never admit to being one of the 'older ones' ascot. Even if I remember 75 well.

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    I remember it well. Everyone was convinced this was "it" (Armageddon). I started pioneering that summer, mainly due to peer pressure.

    But I can honestly say, whenever talking to anyone about it, I always voiced my own personal reservations, based on Mt 24:44: " On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming." To me, that everyone was SO expecting it simply proved that it was not to be.

    Why was everyone so convinced? Not just by the various Watchtower and Kingdom Ministry articles. For many 'sensitive' subjects on which the Society don't want to commit themselves in print, they use the Circuit Overseers to stunning effect.

    Whether at circuit assemblies, talks to congregations during circuit visits, or meetings with circuit or congregation elders, the Governing Body, and especially the Service Committee/Department, know they have a direct conduit to the sheep that totally bypasses the printing presses.

    Back then, it was 1975, mini skirts, long hair (for men) and the evils of doing the twist! Nowadays, it's dealing with child abuse (to elders only) and "give us your money, we need another printing press."

    They know they can say what they like and there's no official record, "nothing in writing" that can come back to haunt them in later years...

    Neat, huh?


  • alamb

    OK, I'm not admitting to being an "older one" her but, I remember:

    MY parents kept my brother out of kindergarten in 74 thinking he may never have to go to school in this system.

    My parents didn't believe in taking us to the doctor and debated getting us braces for what was left of this old system.

    The terror talks being given at the KH. They turned the lights out at the beginning of a talk and had a bunch of MS's run down the aisles in a mock attack. Had nightmares for years. gag

  • jwsons

    I remember Nathan Knorr gave a talk in my congr. He pointed to the audience and ask "Who are among you haven't got baptism yet? Do you think you have more time ? Armaggedon will come very very soon...." bla bla..I should recall that I known the "truth" a couple of years, then (about three years before that day). So I got baptism that fall. Hehehe. "The Truth" never come true !!!!. I also remember Awake! had a picture of a train downturn to the bottom with the number 1975 there and caption had something likes "The world will ends up here" or something like that. Hic!


  • run dont walk
  • blondie

    Thanks for posting that, rdw.


  • waiting

    1968...............ohhhhhhhhhhhh the irony. The year I graduated & started dating a jw dropout hippie who was having a study........and I sat in on the study.

    30 yrs later.......ah well. At least I dumped the jw dropout hippie who was my first husband.

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