the society and education

by NewYork44M 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Enishi

    I can remember literally dozens of experiences and parts in meetings and assemblies designed to discourage young ones from going to college and becoming full time pioneers instead. What really makes me angry was that it infected my thinking for a while as well, I felt like going to college and getting a good career would be somehow wrong. Not only that, it left me feeling lost and directionless, since I wasn't exactly MS quality either due to my liberal outlook.

  • ARoarer

    The only time the Society encourages college is when they send thier own bethelites to law school to become thier lawyer sharpies to fight for thier rights in court, and to fight the victims of sexual abuse.

  • paterfamilias
    Double speak as usual - God it really is pi----g me off what they say about education -- at least The Mormons have an enlightened view.

    The Mormons are in it for the tithe, aren't they? Going to college usually means higher monthly wages, thus yielding a larger tithe. The WTS just wants you to will all your assets to them when you die.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    That's a narrow view of the LDS. They also know that wealthy people who are large employers have political power, and since Mormons can exercise political power, get the drift.

  • Sassy

    I can't believe the young person they interviewed quit only one year from graduation. That will end up to be such a mistake. So close and now so far away. Stupid to quit early but she'll be praised now. I remember when I went back to school after being a housewife for many years, an elders wife said what a shame it was that I had to be there so long. She said maybe I could just take the needed courses for training and quit. Then Jeh would provide. Fortunately I was smarter than that and finished. Not so long later my ex and I split up. I sure was glad I had an education.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    She indicated that she was in an accounting program, doing very well, and had a full scholarship. But after three years, one year before graduation her conscience bothered her. How was she going to justify her actions to the multitudes that will soon be resurrected if she pursued a CPA instead of pioneering! And besides, she learned enough in the time she was in school to get a job. So, she quit school and began pioneering.

    Excuse my language but I have heard this S*** for the last 40 years.


  • avengers

    soon be resurrected if

    If you make it to 2034.

  • Badger

    I pray that someone starts in on "edjumication" at the hall sometime...I swear to God/Allah/Buddha/Jehovah/Jesus/L.Ron Hubbard/Vishnu/Zues/Koresh that they'll leave in tears.

    That who "implied policy" F^^^*% up my life...I'm just now getting back...

    Can't these morons see that pioneering and bethel isn't in most people's psyches? Most people crack like that.

    And my dad wants me to start getting a comittment to bethel out of my son...the kid is 6. no F#*&^'n way.

  • maxwell

    It's sad how they keep misleading young people in that way. I was fortunate enough to have parents who supported me through college even though they are still JW, but I hope I haven't ruined it for my younger sister. I have probably confirmed in my mother's mind the danger of secular learning or at least taking philosophy classes. I told her that one thing that got me to start thinking was a couple of philosophy classes. Unfortunately, she probably won't realize that was only one thing. It doesn't take a philosophy class to get one to start thinking clearly, just an open mind. I don't know if my youngest sister wants to go to college, but if she does, I wonder how my parents will handle it.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    That young sister who left higher education to "pioneer" is an excellent example of how brainwashed a young person who actually "inhales'" all that @#$%&?!! can be. That poor child is literally throwing away her future. And where are her parents? JW or not, they must realize that higher education can only help their child ( maybe not, been there, done that)

    My worldy cousin graduated college as a dentist, at which point my immediate family managed to convert him to a JW ( he fell hook, line and sinker, and is now an elder). The WTBTS got wind of him and took him in as their "in house" dentist. How did they do it? They offered to pay ALL of his tuition ( bank loans) in full. He stayed for years.

    they discourage where they can, but use others to their advantage. Is this a double edged sword?

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