Super Cheese!
District Overbeer
by Stephanus 53 Replies latest jw friends
Super Cheese!
District Overbeer
Observation #1
There is a canoe so we know there will be no gasoline powered vehicles to pollute the earth.
Observation #2
Men will be in charge because a man is seated at the rear of the canoe, controlling it.
Observation #3
There will be dogs but no cats. Cats are bad, evil, satanic. (unless that is what the seated boy has in his lap)
Observation #4
The women are all in skirts (and probably nylons)
Observation #5
No interracial couples (look closely)
Observation #6
No silverware or dishes
Observation #7
The grass is mowed and the bushes clipped (no natural scenery in the new system)
Observation #8
Everyone will be vegetarian (only fruits, vegetables, and bread)
Observation #9
The guys have dress shoes and slacks, no jeans, but at least no ties in sight
Observation #10
That blanket is pretty small for everyone to sit on
I wonder if Abraham will have to dress like these men? (A homogenized paradise)
Observation...the tameable lion has been replaced with the more exotic iguana.
District Overbeer
And don't forget the water feature!
But no mountains rising out of pine forest, and no-one building wooden houses or working in the fields. But it's apparent that they are realising that photos can reproduce paradise as easily as artwork. Look for more fo these as the end draws nearer.