Should The Age Of Consent Be Lowered To 13?

by Englishman 69 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Englishman

    At present the age of consent in the UK is 16.

    In Spain the age of consent is 13.

    The argument I have heard put forward is that a legal age of consent has little effect on younger people. Spanish girls are said to wait a year longer than English girls before having sexual partners, despite the age of consent being 3 years less.

    Also, lowering the age of consent could be beneficial as it would allow youngsters to seek proper contraception and medical care.

    Although the argument is persuasive, it does seem to somehow be almost an abandonment of protection of our youngsters in my view.


  • stillajwexelder

    No I do not Enlishman - 16 is low enough.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I'm afraid lowering the age only encourages adults to have sex with children. Kids will do what they will but we don't need to make it legal for them to be seduced by pervs.

  • Englishman


    I' ve just been looking into this a little more. It seems that Spains law is 2-tiered and that only under 18's can have sex with under 16's.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Englishman, the law is not primarily to protect them from each other, I suspect, but to protect them from adults.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    That's interesting, a two tiered sex system. So a guy turns 18 and that night does his 13 year old girlfriend for his little birthday gift. At that point was consentual sex suddenly rape? Well I'm sure they have all the details worked out.

    Usually when I think of a 13 year old they just seem way too young for sex. Just kids.

  • Englishman
    That's interesting, a two tiered sex system. So a guy turns 18 and that night does his 13 year old girlfriend for his little birthday gift. At that point was consentual sex suddenly rape? Well I'm sure they have all the details worked out.

    Hmm. That was similar to the argument put foward by Germaine Greer in the discussion that I heard on Radio 2.

    The counter argument was that what you described would probably happen anyway, law or no law.

    I tend to go with your opinion, I am though, very interested in other's points of view. I do remember being very protective of my own daughter, certainly until she was well into her late teens, and the thought of any one trying something with her would make me see red.

    Yet again, men are different with their sons. Some dual standards here maybe.


  • gumby
    Usually when I think of a 13 year old they just seem way too young for sex. Just kids.

    I have always wondered at what age girls........GENERALLY speaking, could or does enjoy sex. Many do it for winning the favor of a boy. Many might do it out of peer pressure. My question they start desiring it at say 13? My guess is some to that have hormones flying at an early age....I'm just not sure about the majority.

    I would think that at 13 it would be hard for a girl to be of the mindset to settle down and raise a family ......unless the custom of the country and it's people, are inclined to think that way. If that age were accepted in the U.S.......I think there were be more divorces than you could shake a stick at.


  • Dansk


    To be honest, I think 16 is too young also - the majority of youngsters that age are not mentally mature, let alone physically. The problem is, of course, many are probably having their first experience at that age and so the law covers them for that eventuality. I certainly wasn't mature at 18 let alone 16 - and none of my friends were, either. I believe girls do mature earlier than boys - but I am concerned over children being taken advantage of and, let's face it, giving birth earlier. Children having children!

    16 is young enough. Anything earlier and it's open to paedophilia in my book.


  • Simon

    The problem with all the arguments is that each case is different and unique.

    The law is, I believe, to protect against predatory, older people taking advantage of young people. This is why people may be 'done' for statutory rape for having underage sex but would not be charged if they were 15 & 14 year old bf/gf.

    We need laws to protect young people and the split difference does make sense ... we do actually kind of have that already as there is a different law for 13 year olds already in the UK (one of the latest news items had this ... some internet pedophile waiting till a girl was over 13 because the charge went down).

    The law is to stop adults havnig sex with children ... it's not going to stop kids having sex with each other (sorry parents)

    BTW: I have two lads and as much as I want a little girl, I'd be worried that I would be too over protective.

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