Some of you don't know, but for the last two years, I've been trying to get my niece out of the clutches of the society. It's been a long road. Since my sister died, my mother has been using a huge guilt trip on my niece. Blaming my sister's death on her leaving the "false".
My niece went to visit my mother in Ecuador, where she's a special pioneer. That visit slightly opened her eyes. I won't go into too much detail, but one of the married brother's hit on her. And when she brought it to my mother's attention, she was told not to speak against the brothers. My niece was very angry!
(Also, the fact that she said my mother hardly got out of bed
In the meantime, I copied about 250 pages of documents for her. Concerning the blood issue, the UN scandal, and the many experiences of so many posters. She promised she would read them if I sent them, but I got really worried when she called and told me my mother told her to destroy them asap. It was all apostate material. My aunt in Atlanta told her the same thing. She told me she started to see what I meant when I said they wouldn't even let you ask questions. But, I BEGGED her to please read at least some of them. I even sent pics of Russel's Masonic headstone! She'd never heard of it.
background info---
She went to one of her oldest best friends at the KH and asked about the UN situation. She called me again. This time she told me her supposed BEST friend would not talk to her anymore. And she was told she'd better drop the subject or she'd get into trouble.
Now, my niece had been having some hard times. Her husband was using drugs. (non-JW) She had a baby, and was trying to go to school to become an LPN. And work at a restaurant. She lives in South Carolina. Out in the country. And this "friend" had been helping her with a ride. To get groceries, etc. She would call my niece every day. (I knew this girl from the time my niece and her were about 9. They were inseperable.)
All of a phone calls. No visits. No concern about the baby. My niece was so hurt. She called me crying. I tried to calm her down. Then she got angry. And couldn't understand how this girl could just abandon her after asking a simple question.
Then I found out "waiting's" daughter and son-in-law were going to be having a meeting at the very restaurant where my niece was waitressing. Waiting offered to introduce them. Even gave me phone #'s. I told my niece about it. She was scared to death. She said if anyone caught her talking to "apostates", she'd get dfs. But, I reminded her that I never abandoned her, even when I thought she'd always be a JW!! I still loved her. And would always be there for her. Unconditionally.
She did end up talking to the "apostates."
My niece is thanking me now. (And I'm thanking "waiting.")
She says she was under a "spell", and is so glad her eyes are opened. I am so happy I don't know what to do!!
It was a long road, and took a lot of work. But, it was worth it
Now, who's next on my list??? My anointed uncle???? Better lift some weights before I tackle him!