Hi there I don't watch much of the propaganda on jw.org anymore but I did catch the November broadcast.
I think these guys are either evil or controlled by someone who is incredibly skilled at mind control.
Firstly, they establish their authority by saying "everything" else is a lie - you can't trust media or anyone. "there is no inspiration today.." but they somehow have the direct connection with God - yuck.
Then, they proceed with that disgusting "shunning" drama - but now it is not called shunning, (around 24 mins) the mother said..
"if we were to stand between Levi and the discipline he needs we would in affect be blocking an expression of Jehovah's love from reaching him..."
I am so angry at this, what a load. No you are not shunning your own child you are allowing an "expression" of Jehovah's love to reach him - I am sure any shunned child can feel that love right?
I think this is a human rights violation - I would love to find a human rights legal body who would tackle this.
Sorry for the rant - but this is a new level of evil I think.