I've been DF'd for a number of years, and up until recently have been able to maintain a fairly close relationship with my parents. Dad passed away a few years back and since then I have tried to keep my mom busy so she wouldn't be alone - phone calls, shopping, dinner, etc - and I took care of things around her house for her. Well now Mom has decided that she needs to follow the WT rules and cut the "socializing" with me - of course, it's "acceptable" for me to still go take care of her when she needs it
I have been heartbroken this past week. But I realize now that perhaps this is a good thing in that it forced me to sit back and take stock of what I DO have. So - just to make myself feel better I thought I'd put it all down in writing:
* A wonderfully supportive and fun husband
* Beautiful healthy children
* Terrific in-laws that welcome me into their family
* Freedom to learn what I want to learn, be who I want to be, and live!
* Holidays - hey, it is that time of year! And they can be so much fun.
I guess all in all, I have a really good life. And although I am heart broken - it will mend, in the interim my family and friends will be there to help me through.