What're Yall Reading?

by Frannie Banannie 75 Replies latest social entertainment

  • shamus

    I am reading Dead Men Do Tell Tales.

    One book series that I can totally recommend is Anne Rice's Lasher series... The Witching Hour, Lasher and Taltos. It is not too like her vampire books (which aren't that great anywayz), and, although somewhat tedious at times, leaves you gasping at the end. (literally!)

    The Lasher series is the best read I have ever had!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    JoannaD, those books sound terrific....you picked some good ones, cherie!

    One book series that I can totally recommend is Anne Rice's Lasher series... The Witching Hour, Lasher and Taltos. It is not too like her vampire books (which aren't that great anywayz), and, although somewhat tedious at times, leaves you gasping at the end. (literally!)

    The Lasher series is the best read I have ever had!

    Shamus, I'm glad you told me this about Anne Rice's Lasher series....I'm not too thrilled with her vampire books either, so it's good to know she's written something worth reading now...

    Frannie B

  • shamus

    Yes, Frannie B,

    Her vampire books are tedious. The Witching Hour is really spooky, and is more believeable! I highly recommend it! Your mind gets opened up!

  • Panda

    My fav Anne Rice book was the Violin. It was her best as far as psychological empowerment. If you've red it I'd love to get your opinion.

    Now I'm reading Fly Boys by Bradley, about the torture and murder of catured US airmen in WWII at CHICHIJIMA.

    I'm attempting reading the Rape of Nanking in Chinese,

    The Diary of a Japanese soldier, who commited atrocities at Nanking. Its supposed to be his apology. But I don't see it.

    Just finished The Way the Crow Flys by Anne Marie MacDonald (for our library book club), You canadians might remeber the story of Stephen Truscott who was condemed for murder at 16 yrs old. This book is a variation of what might've happened. And actually I do reccommend it because the author is an artist with words.

    Also read TheLovely Bones, also for Library club. It was ok. I usually don't care for fiction, so the book club is good to get me reading that genre.

    Also the Constitution of the United States of America and Founding Brothers both again to get the sense of the framers minds. I also want to study more about the Treaty of Tripoli (US treaty w/ pirates)

  • wannaexit







    THE GUARDIAN is the one I am presently reading and really enjoying


  • Mulan

    I read that a few years ago. Wonderful book. Makes you cry because of the love in this marriage.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Her vampire books are tedious. The Witching Hour is really spooky, and is more believeable! I highly recommend it! Your mind gets opened up!

    Then that's a "must have" Shamus....thanks...

    My fav Anne Rice book was the Violin. It was her best as far as psychological empowerment. If you've red it I'd love to get your opinion.

    Panda, that sounds totally intriguing, cher....I'll hafta try it....you're a much more ambitious reader than I am, hon.....reading in CHINESE!!!! (whew)

    NICHOLAS SPARKS Author of A MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE THE NOTEBOOK A WALK TO REMEMBER THE RESCUE THE GUARDIAN is the one I am presently reading and really enjoying

    Very good, Wannaexit....I've read Message In a Bottle....he's very good....

    NICHOLAS SPARKS Author of THE NOTEBOOK I read that a few years ago. Wonderful book. Makes you cry because of the love in this marriage.

    Gawrsh, Mulan....now I'll hafta read all his books...heheheheh

    Frannie B

  • SheilaM

    Country_Woman: I'm glad your enjoying the book. Thunder has a new short story horror genre called Damned Closet Space, it is freaky LOL I can't wait until the ending.

    I myself have been reading Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf and a anthology of short stories by a prof at my college.

  • wednesday

    Currently i am reading "The battle for God" Karen Armstrong. I just finished "the true believer" and also i am reading dr. Phil's books. I really like all those self help books. I tried reading COC, but , honestly,it is so boring and tedious. But with the "The Battle for God" i am actually interested, and got my hubby ot read some of it. It is one of the most enlightening books i have ever read. Also, i read a lot of health type books. Lots of good books mentioned here. I have found my concentration is not good, mostly due to my health, but when i have good day, i read.

  • Odrade

    A Brief History of QI, and The Web That Has No Weaver. Studying up on my chinese medicine theory. Interesting stuff, but I'm thinking I need some pulp fiction about now.


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