I've actually known CO's who were very much corporate men, but who wouldn't have stood for this kind of crap. Jim Cauthon would be a good example... I was in his circuit in NY. Very hard-line, but also very smart. He was very strict about organizational procedure... and this sisters spying around independently, and gossipping with the whole congregation, is not organizational procedure
I THINK THIS Comment hits the nail on the head, be careful about giving too much credit to such a Society Man-
recall Uzziah, it matters not if he was trying to keep the ark from falling, it was he broke the rules
and that is the same with many CO and Elders, they don't care if the sisters were "right" in terms of reporting someone hanging out with apostates, it was perhaps the Way it was done and not why it was done
due to the wt indoctrination this type of conduct by sisters is what happens when they THINK they are helping to keep the congo clean=
due to the LOW VALUE they give to women in terms of what they think and do- i really don't find this so unusal-
to me it tells me just how Little they Think of Women, even if the women are trying to do what they feel is right- how sad
if this had been Males and esp Elders with the EXACT SAME INFORMATION AND MAKING THE exact same statements as these 4 women i would be willing to bet the Farm the outcome would have been entirely different
while i agree with everyone that this is just some folks being busy bodies, but since the information came from