Circuit overseer "rips them a new one"

by Mulan 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan
    Hope your friend is prepared for the fall-out when the tree goes up though

    Yep..............she's already got it figured out how to hide my tree. She is a pistol!!

    The CO is on his second time through with this congregation, and it is his first circuit. He called on us the first visit, and was really very nice. I'm sure he was planning to come by this time too, but Mom went to the hospital, and I got sick, etc.

    It's just a matter of time until they catch up to us, but in the meantime it's fun.

  • JT
    I've actually known CO's who were very much corporate men, but who wouldn't have stood for this kind of crap. Jim Cauthon would be a good example... I was in his circuit in NY. Very hard-line, but also very smart. He was very strict about organizational procedure... and this sisters spying around independently, and gossipping with the whole congregation, is not organizational procedure

    I THINK THIS Comment hits the nail on the head, be careful about giving too much credit to such a Society Man-

    recall Uzziah, it matters not if he was trying to keep the ark from falling, it was he broke the rules

    and that is the same with many CO and Elders, they don't care if the sisters were "right" in terms of reporting someone hanging out with apostates, it was perhaps the Way it was done and not why it was done

    due to the wt indoctrination this type of conduct by sisters is what happens when they THINK they are helping to keep the congo clean=

    due to the LOW VALUE they give to women in terms of what they think and do- i really don't find this so unusal-

    to me it tells me just how Little they Think of Women, even if the women are trying to do what they feel is right- how sad

    if this had been Males and esp Elders with the EXACT SAME INFORMATION AND MAKING THE exact same statements as these 4 women i would be willing to bet the Farm the outcome would have been entirely different

    while i agree with everyone that this is just some folks being busy bodies, but since the information came from

  • rocketman

    There appears to be some common-sense at work here on the part of this CO. And, I don't want to imply that something else might be at work, but, I think Metatron is onto something else that may be happening - a CO does not want sisters controlling things.

    When I was an elder, at times I was very reluctant to consider what sisters had to say in some matters. True, these sisters are way, way out of line in the congregation you were in Mulan, and the CO was totally correct, and I'm glad he put his foot down (in jw world, we all know that it works that way). But, there's is sometimes a sense of power struggle that goes on. For example, we had one sister who knew of another sister doing something "wrong" and some weeks later called the PO and said she was "expecting an announcement". Well, it so happens that the whole process was taking long due to various circumstances. When the PO told me about her phone call, I was quite incensed, and mainly it was because I was thinking "how dare this sister try to influence the process". Elders do think that way, so I would imagine that the possibility of that exists in the situation you reported.

    Very interesting situation indeed!

  • JT

    women, the org doesn't value what they say the same as they do men and esp those with titles

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    great story , Mulan

    but be prepared when your tree goes up! If those "nosey ones" get a whiff of an xmas at your place they will circle in like sharks...and they will gloat... Count on it.

    hang tough when that time comes,


  • mizpah


    The elders must have been in a quandry since spying on brothers has been an established procedure for years now. What a surprise it must have been to get a "dressing down" by the C.O. Perhaps, the C.O. has new information about handling such matters now. With the law suits bringing public attention to these sensitive areas, the Society may not want to appear to be an oppressive organization.

    Whatever the case, it is refreshing to read that a representative of the Watchtower had the courage to condemn these practices.

  • JT
    Whatever the case, it is refreshing to read that a representative of the Watchtower had the courage to condemn these practices

    i don't think he is condemning the practice- only THE PLAYERS

    as James Brown said, THIS IS A MAN'S WORLD and in WT that is the MOTTO

  • DanTheMan

    I agree with the ones taking a more cautious POV here -

    Ya don't move up the ranks in JW-land by being liberal and tolerant towards suspected apostates.

  • Euphemism

    I should add... it's very possible that the CO was motivated by common sense and reasonableness. I don't mean to discount the possibility. I just woulnn't automatically assume it... that's all I was saying.



    Blondie wrote:

    I wonder if they counted their time when they were watching your house and taking pictures, Mulan?

    I'll bet they did!!!

    I'm not surprised the "spy sisters" got in trouble for their efforts. Those sisters are outta line. Taking matters into their own hands like that. Sisters with independent thoughts. That is serious!!! Next thing they might uncover an elder as he is sneaking around visiting a sister not his would that look? We can't have sisters indiscriminately spying on other members of the congregation. My goodness...all kinds of stuff might come to that the same as new light?Rolly


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