Well, to be honest, I didn't even pay attention. Rarely did I ever pay attention at meetings. My mind was always somewhere else. (Gee...I can't understand why...:) I was even an MS at the time the "new light" came out. So I didn't even know about the change until I started questioning things. But once I finally read that, it was just another nail in the coffin. I bet if you asked the average JW today what the meaning of the generation is, they'd still quote you the old doctrine. The Society sneaks so much stuff by you, that most of us go "OK" and just keep believing. We don't even give it a second thought. It just makes you realize how much of a cult the JW religion is. We learned to just accept whatever is said from the Society....NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! Of course, the minute you start asking questions, you already got one foot out the door, cause you can't contain the genie once the bottle's been rubbed....