who are the governing body?

by robin33126 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • belbab

    My wife just told me that DAVID SPLANE plays the piano beautifully. I am glad to hear that you are not all bad, Dave. Maybe you should quit your day job and play the piano more, I am sure humanity would benefit far more listening to music, than swallowing the output from Brooklyn. Not only that they would ENJOY!!

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    When I was IN I bought the wine and my mother baked the bread. There were no "anointed" in our congregation, so after the memorial I would pour the wine back in the bottle, go home and drink the wine. So I usually got good wine for the memorial. I wonder who drinks it now??

    Just remembering,

    Ken P.

  • Enlighted UK
    Enlighted UK

    When I was 10 or 11, after the Memorial all the children would scramble to the kitchen at the back of the Hall to eat the "bread". The symbolic aura had apparently disappeared after the prayer. We tried for the wine, but no luck.

    This years memorial was the first one i didn't attend. It felt strange (after years of habitual attendance) but felt a wonderful sense of freedom!!

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