A friend of mine is almost a Reiki master and I decided to let her use her skill on me. While I was lying on the couch she put some really soothing music on which, aptly, is called 'Reiki Music'.
So soothing was this music that her husband kindly recorded it onto CD for me and I took it home. I played the music to Claire, who is a chartered physiotherapist, and she asked me if she could take the CD into work for her relaxation class. I told her that I didn't want to lose the CD so we made a recording of it and she took that into work instead. After taking the relaxation class one of her patients came up to her and enquired what the beautiful music was and where he could acquire it. Claire, being the friendly soul she is, gave him the CD copy she'd made because she knew she could make another one.
My point here is not to do the Reiki muscicians out of money by making CD after CD but to emphasise how wonderfully relaxing the music is and that if you haven't heard any please do. You'll be amazed.
I now play it constantly when I feel the need to be in a relaxed mood and am already looking for further Reiki music to acquire.