The ultimate taboo of being a JW is the unforgivable sin, a direct action of going against the leadings of the holy spirit. Did this used to bother you, and do you think you are seen by JW's as having committed it? For instance, is apostasy the only occurance of it, or in you opinion would it include adultery etc.
Have you commited the unforgivable sin?
by petespal2002 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This is a good question..... If someone professes to be an "Apostate," let's say tehy even go as far as picketing conventions and such, disassociates themself, and years later realizes "the error of their ways," would the body of Elder's refuse to allow them to be "reinstated?"
Has anyone had this situation?
got my forty homey?
I guess in a Jehovahs Witness eyes I have commited apostasy speaking against beliefs, exposing Bethel a phony place, etc. But in my eyes I have committed no sin except that of thinking for myself and breaking away from a organization that simply does not want independent thinkers. If you remember we are taught by the org. that Satan was the first "independent" thinker. So were Lots wife, Judas Iscarriot, and even Moses and Aaron. However I think independent thinkers are needed, and thats when the org. traps you because if you question any teaching or belief you are automatically spirtually weak and an apostate.
I remember as a youth wondering about the blood issue. It was always taught that blood is sacred to God, but I wondered whats wrong with using blood for saving a human life. You are not killing a human for his blood, its donated in small portions. I use to wonder also about field service slips. Where in the bible is it stated we must turn in field service slips, and the answer is some scripture about "good reports". The last one I always wondered about as well was going door to door. If you read the entire scripture Jesus states if a family rejects you then go on to the next home. Not to knock door to door selling magazines and books! Preaching back then was done primarly in public squares.
Anyway, I guess I have committed an unforgivable sin in the eyes of a witness anyway.
Supposedly, sinning against the holy spirit is the only way a person commits an unforgivable sin. That would normally not include things like adultery. Would it include apostasy from the jw organization? I had don't recall such an association being made even in jw publications.
In Jesus' day, those who were to have sinned against the holy spirit were mainly the Pharisees, who claimed that Jesus was empowered by the Devil rather than by holy spirit.
Thanks for all the interesting comments so far.
Rocketman, I agree that the Pharisees were the ones to have sinned against the holy spirit in that they had a direct manifestation of its power in their midst. But to bring that thought up to date, isn't the GB God's channel of communication on earth now, so to go directly against it's leading, ie to "apostasise", would be seen as such a sin?
According to the WTBTS, probably. They are a cult, though, and I could care less what those morons think.
The Society does say they do not know who is guilty of the unforgiveable sin, only Jehovah knows. But they do say that going against holy spirit is unforgiveable. They have labeled apostacy as one of the unforgiveable sins, yet they do not say they would not welcome that one back if they saw the error of their ways, that only Jehovah knows what is truly in that persons heart.
My understanding of the unforgiveable sin is to turn your back on God. I turned my back on the organization, not God, so I feel ok.
recently the wt did an article on this subject and the only mentioned of "possible" committing of the unforgivealbe was in ref to APOSTATES
while the wt as always NEVER COMES OUT RIGHT - as we were told by our old DO JC Howard