The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...

by logansrun 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun

    You remember that wonderful little axiom from Star Trek -- The Wrath of Khan, right? Spock's in th radiation unit and passes on this sage advice to Kirk. Gotta love Vulcan wisdom.

    Here's an even more powerful piece of advice:

    "The needs of the many outweigh the GREED of the few."

    Yep. One of the reasons I'm not a Republican. I've been reading a bit of Noam Chomsky lately. My GOD....we've been duped. "Tax cuts for corporations and the rich help the poor in the long run" -- utter bullsh!t. That's just what they want you to believe.

    I'm in the mood for a revolution


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Let's tax corporations even more and just give the money away to people who aren't willing to earn it themselves. Yep the old welfare system is a way better investment.

  • sens
    I'm in the mood for a revolution

    again...brad think 2 much

  • Satanus

    The 'rebuild iraq' mantra is horse chips as well. If bush and company really wanted to do that, they could use indigenous contractors, materials, supplies, labour; but no, all american, for the most part, is used, thus using this occasion to inundate bushie companies w cash, and guaranteeing later cushy private sector jobs and retirements for bush and his homies. Indigenous can cost as low as 10%, plus sow goodwill, grow relationships, etc. No doubt someone will write a large book on this huge pile of corporate manure.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    they could use indigenous contractors, materials, supplies, labour

    Well that certainly would make sense on paper but in Iraq you won't find indigenous contractors capable of such an undertaking. Their major jobs have been contracted out for years. Yes believe it or not Saddem preferred hiring outside help rather than paying his homies 3 dollars a month.

  • funkyderek
    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...

    But not the rights of the few. Need is not a claim.

  • Satanus
    in Iraq you won't find indigenous contractors capable of such an undertaking.

    Careful, your racism is showing.


  • logansrun

    Stacey, I'd like to get into a political discussion with you using charts, graphs, information, etc....but I will just say this: You don't know what the hell you're talking about. You've been duped into the Corporate Mantra as well.


  • logansrun

    Just think about it, folks:

    Corporations practically run Washington. Politicians get money from Corp's and capatilist big-wigs.....what are they going to do? Answer: they are going to vote in a manner which appeals to the people giving them money. They are going to then appease the masses by saying that "this is what is best for all of us."


    We need to stop this mad "votes for cash" type of politics. It's not a democracy.


  • Euphemism

    *sigh* Really, Brad, you've been making yourself sound like a simpleton recently. And I know you're not one.

    First of all, let me say I agree with you that supply-side economics is seriously flawed.

    But you're talking as if you're completely new to a debate that's been raging for years.

    I can't believe you're that naive, Bradley.

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