Welcome HiddenPimo to tbe board. I wokeup two years before I left. I was the P.O. of our congregation at the time. So I understand were you are foming from. Take your time and enjoy the fresh air of this new freedom. PM me if you would like. Take care and good luck to you and your family. Still Totally ADD
My Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain Moment...
by HiddenPimo 27 Replies latest jw experiences
Still Totally ADD
Welcome HiddenPimo to tbe board. I wokeup two years before I left. I was the P.O. of our congregation at the time. So I understand were you are foming from. Take your time and enjoy the fresh air of this new freedom. PM me if you would like. Take care and good luck to you and your family. Still Totally ADD
If it is wrong to do things that benefit false religion for members, then Watchtower should bulldoze a Kingdom Hall and sell the empty lot before selling it to some other religion.
Very interesting point I'd never thought of.....
For some reason I cannot create new topics - I emailed the admin but nothing yet.. so I'm hungry to tell more and get more feedback:
If the shunning rule were rescinded, how many would leave?
10% -20% - 30% More?
Dream scenario: Everyone is made aware of all the wrongs, the false prophecies / CSA problem / Double Standards -
and they would not shun, how many would jump ship?
My parents are fully aware of the sins of the Org. yet they insist on it being a choice of lesser of the the evils and echoing the sentiments of Peter who said ' Lord who else shall we go to'
So maybe not many..
What say you....?
I have mixed feelings about the shunning thing. What if all of those people jumped now and thousands upon thousands were suddenly faced with having to shun loved ones immediately. I wonder how many it would wake up to the ugliness that they're really involved in.
Then again, whether as presently constituted or if shunning were done away with the doctrine and culture dehumanizes those that leave to an extent that most would probably react no differently. It's a fascinating topic. It also gets into the nature of belief and how it often exists against all evidence.
I would love to chat in person with some of you but that will have to wait till I am POMO / DA'd
If not this year, perhaps next. In the United States, there are gatherings of ex-JW's on meetup.com and some go right through Facebook. A member of this board, Flipper, has an annual July big meetup at Lake Tahoe on the weekend after July 4th typically.
But there is also internet communication and the phone. When you are ready, people are there for you. -
Thanks! I wish there was a safe way to find out who is PIMO in the hall or in circuit or in the state. I know I can’t be the only one.