We are so overjoyed with what is happening in the ExJW community! It is places like this forum where many can have a place to interact anonymously and be felt like they are understood. You guys are AWESOME!
Great News in the EX Jehovahs Witness World!!!
by Christian Gutierrez 21 Replies latest jw friends
I enjoyed hearing the news that more Canadian JW families are exiting the JW religion than joining it. Thanks for sharing!
There's so much information so easily accessible now and ex-witnesses such as yourselves willing to help people with their exit process, it's never been easier to leave.
They have lost the close-knit feel that they used to have so there is less keeping people captive.
Once people realize that yes, they can just leave and there are no real repercussions then people do, and it all crumbles.
Good job :thumbsup:
Christian Gutierrez
Hi Barbara, yes it is exciting and we just recently heard that the kingdom hall that we used to go to is being destroyed. We can only figure that they are downsizing.
Christian Gutierrez
Hey Simon! Good point and I think that a community like this one makes it so much easier for people to leave the organization. If they are to let go of something, there needs to be a support group waiting for them. This place has helped many, cheers!
We are all so thankfull for the hard work you and your wife put in. I eagerly watch all you videos as they come on. I would probably be doing the same thing if it wasn't for my family.
So glad you all shared this with us. We appreciate all you do! Love your videos!
We hope the little girl you mentioned will be ok. She is definitely in our thoughts!
Yes indeed!
More are awakening than ever before.
In this age of freely available information, ignorance is no longer an excuse. All a witness needs to do is click on a few pages online....and the rest is up to them.....remain ignorant or allow themselves to wake up!
Christian Gutierrez
Yes we hope everything turns out fine with the girl. It is sad when the loyalty to an organization is more important than the life of this little girl. And like Stuckinarut said, it's the information online that is freeing people. We are overjoyed with the people we never thought would wake up, now leaving and enjoying their freedom. And with the others that are awake but remain silent as they wait for their family to wake up, we think about them and hope they can all come out together intact 💚
Hi Christian and to your good lady.
Great point made about people waking up. The amount of bad press the watchtower publishing corporation is receiving right now is beyond belief. You would have to be the most dimwitted JW to not see the controversies within the organisation. It's all over the net. This forum and others; the plethora of you tube videos such as yours; the hearings; the court cases, the newspapers; the TV.
What's more, when elders make complete arses of themselves when trying to micro manage the congregation, helps to wake people up. Eg my wife, friend and several others within our congregation caught out a prominent elder blatantly lying to them. In fact it was embarrassing. The sad part is that that particular elder doesn't even realise he was caught out because his head is so far up his own arse. Yet, those who realised he was 'blatantly' lying no doubt bring his credibility into question.
Yes, it truly is good news that people are waking up to the lies and deceit of this organisation that mixes truth and falsehood for the sake of its own interests!!!