So Let's Say Bigger Change Happens

by peacefulpete 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • no-zombie

    An interesting thought peacefulpete and perhaps you are generally right. I feel this way because while it is true that we are a older religion (in regards to age demographics) the type of person in the congregation are quite different to those of the recent past.

    In the past, Witnesses lived more by principles where they took pride in taking the moral high ground. And actually were happy to suffer because of it. When these ones were disfellowshiped most (while not enjoying the process) accepted their mistakes and the consequences.

    Today though I see most Witnesses as a whole lot weaker morally. Not that they are more immoral (say about sex) but less directed by personal conscience. In stead our people today are more like spiritual jellyfish that float on the current coming from the Governing Body. And so have no real problem with the beard or pants thing ... or anything else that appears in the future. Yes, some might become a bit perplexed, but not bitter.

    Its a bit like kids who used to get told to do their school homework every night, and then realize that they don't have to do it during the holidays. Are they 'bummed' that they had to do it in the past? No. They are just happy that they don't have to do it now.

    Those on the outside, might have a different view of things though.

  • peacefulpete

    My intention is not to judge, sorry if somehow I led anyone to feel that way. I am not 'off base' in suggesting we can become stuck in a holding pattern. Unable to progress, caught in a cycle of grief, bound by resentment, tortured by self doubts.

    A counselor insightfully described those feelings as symptoms of incomplete recovery. The refugee metaphor aptly describes the sense of remaining outsiders when surrounded by new people and experiences. This may be normal for a while but if it never passes, that person has lost out on what a new life has to offer.

    If in any way you can relate to this, it's not a sign of failure, it may mean it's time for the next step.

  • KalebOutWest

    That is indeed true, Peacefulpete.

    Getting stuck in a particular "holding pattern," always looking back, is what the "pillar of salt" metaphor of Lot's Wife may be likened to. It can be self-destructive as one can end up 'dying' with the past and perishing 'society.'

  • TonusOH

    I think the changes are good, whether they lead to people staying in or not. The more mainstream they get, the less strict and controlling. I no longer have a stake in it-- I left many years ago and did so quietly and without drama. And my mother will stay in right to the very end-- that is as sunk a cost as has ever been sunk. So the changes do not impact me.

    I came to this forum because I was curious about the Lloyd Evans situation. If not for that, I wouldn't be aware of anything the JWs are doing (my mother will occasionally remind me that The End Is Near, but she never discusses policy). I'm glad to learn that they're being called to account and forced to answer for bad policy and bad decisions, though. As much as I left it behind, it was still a massive part of my life and shaped who I am as a person, for better and for worse.

  • Halcon
    Pete-When the beard thing went down, JW's seem to immediately embrace it, whereas many former JW's have been brooding about it. Did it take away a pet gripe we had? Do we feel jealous of JWs living now? Does this change make you question if you made a mistake in leaving the church?

    As someone who is technically still in, I see JW as being much closer to other religions now. I strongly feel that many members around me do also, especially after the one-two punch of no time keeping and beards.

    I don't envy their present confusion, nor losing their sense of being "special" amongst other religions.

    On a more personal level, my interests and lifestyle is far removed from the general mainstream anyways. There's nothing about the 'standard' JW lifestyle or any religion that makes me jealous now or presumably ever.

  • Diogenesister
    so much change was ready at hand and quick to be to be thought of by the next generation of prophets to follow up behind in the footsteps of self-proclaimed appointee-of-God Charles Taze Russell

    I was thinking today it occurs to me that people often speak less harshly of Charlie than any of his successors......but he really was an arrogant asshole*le.

  • TonusOH

    WTS played him up as a humble man of god and a visionary. They downplayed any of his negatives and memory-holed as much of the bad stuff as they could. They needed for him to be a modern-day prophet. He became the calm and reasonable founder, with Rutherford cast as the firebrand who took the baton from Russell's dying hand and brought the movement forward into the 20th century.

    The real story is far more entertaining, but not as useful for building a religion around.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    I don't envy their present confusion, nor losing their sense of being "special" amongst other religions.

    JW's have always relished the belief that they alone possess secret knowledge that can save humanity. In the internet age, it has become apparent that the biggest secret they possess is how many CSA offenders they are hiding.

  • Not Jacob
    Not Jacob

    As an alternative twisted perspective, although I abandoned the religion of my childhood almost 15 years ago, convinced it was a fraud, I have secretly held out hope that I was wrong.

    A small secret part of me wanted to see this disgusted unjust and inhumane world burnt to a crisp, even if for a few seconds before I went with it.

    The fraud is more evident every day though. So even though I despise the religion, it hurts to know beyond a doubt that there truly is no hope. I look at the world we are leaving our kids and I go to pieces.

    Stupid religion really does mess one up what

  • peacefulpete

    NotJacob....for every a-hole there are a dozen people who care and feel like you. The a-holes just get all the attention.

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