Supposedly this god gave us a brain. And now that worthless thing they call a god forbids us from using it? What good is worshiping that thing?
Ban on Independent Meetings
by lssjr 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Brother David Splane:
''Jehovah’s people receive ample spiritual instruction and encouragement at congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions as well as through JW Broadcasting and our publications. Under the guidance of his holy spirit and on the basis of his Word of truth, Jehovah provides what is needed through the faithful and discreet slave. Care should be taken not to organize or promote meetings for spiritual feeding beyond what has been pro-vided by the organization. Such meetings could detract from what Jesus Christ is accomplishing through his congregation on earth today. Adhering to this direction will help all of God’s people to “be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought” and to remain “stabilized in the faith.”—1 Cor. 1:10; Col. 2:6, 7.
Brother Brown: ''That is not wise counsel from our spiritual brother, David Splane.''
Brother Jackson : '' I think we should continue with our ''spiritual meeting'' that in not authorized by the organization. This ''over-lapping generation teaching'' is making us look us fools. I cannot explain this teaching to myself, nor to anyone else.''
Brother Brown : '' Brother Splane taught us that the first group of ''this generation'' would witness and understand the events of 1914, and the second group would be those who were born before the last individuals in the first group died. Fred Frantz somehow shows up in the picture. There are arrows pointing up, down and question marks. I feel that he's making it up along the way, and just stalling for time.''
Brother Jackson: '' This organization has lied to us from the get-go. With more unauthorized Bible studies, we will find some more members who will agree that we have been played.''
Good lawd-amighty, where is that photo from in R&R's post? It has all the hallmarks of being a legit WT publication photo.
Their photos always model "ideal" JW behavior.
They want people to clap....for a broadcast....that they saw on TV....sitting in their living room....with a total of 3 people there to hear it?
And the people you are clapping for....can't hear you....don't know you....don't know you exist....?
Every day, you say, "they can't get any nuttier".....and every day they prove you wrong.....
Good lawd-amighty, where is that photo from in R&R's post? It has all the hallmarks of being a legit WT publication photo.
It is real. Here is the video:
Jehovah’s Witnesses find joy, strengthened family bonds as they adapt to ongoing pandemic
Oh, and I forgot the even more indescribably wackadoodly bizarre image of people dressing up as if they were to attend a corporate board watch TV in their own home.
Oh, and the lady has a Bible in her she can follow along in her own copy of the Bible....even though the quoted text from the verse they are dithering about will appear on the screen....cuz somehow it's more holy if you your fingers touch the Holy Bible....
These images of idealized JW life have always been unrealistic. Now they are painfully so.
road to nowhere
Now we wave on zoom. The clapping is because it is over.
True, the bigger anxiety is being lied to
[9-15-95 WT- ‘The Golden Calf’ And the people said: “All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do and be obedient.”—Exodus 24:7. Nevertheless, the Israelites soon sinned against God. They were still encamped at the foot of Mount Sinai. Moses had been on the mountain many days, receiving further instruction from God, and the people pressured Moses’ brother, Aaron, to make a god for them. Aaron complied and made a calf out of gold that the people provided. It was claimed that this idol represented Jehovah. (Psalm 106:20) The next day they offered sacrifices and kept “bowing down to it.” Then they had “a good time.”—Exodus 32:1, 4, 6, 8, 17-19.]
[Insight Vol 1 IDOL, IDOLATRY- An idol is an image, a representation of anything, or a symbol that is an object of passionate devotion, whether material or imagined. Generally speaking, idolatry is the veneration, love, worship, or adoration of an idol. It is usually practiced toward a real or supposed higher power, whether such power is believed to have animate existence (as a human, an animal, or an organization) or is inanimate (as a force or lifeless object of nature).]
a) ...the Crazy Eight must be fucking terrified of apostates at this point, or...
b) ...they love being on TV so much by now that the prospect of a JW group not watching them threatens to break their brains.
The JWS heads (GB) have always been paranoid about people actually reading or studying the bible by itself.
Why ?
Many who do end up leaving the JWS after seeing their many false doctrines.
Obtained power can vanish if you dont instill regulations, controls, brainwashing technics with imposed fear and guilt, complemented with ignorance .
Oh GOD.... I remember these saturdays 10 years old . Saturday service for 2 hours or more then lunch, then Watchtower study for as long as it takes "reading every Scripture "
It shot the whole lease it was magazine day on Saturday LOL
Then Sunday the meeting then out inservice again with the book offer or sit in with someone bible study for hours (boring) Do wonder why I walked out with my kids