I mean, if you can roll it in glitter, you CAN polish it. Just don't eat it, that's all I ask.
Numbers don't lie... and these numbers are beautiful!!
by ILoveTTATT2 41 Replies latest jw friends
" the love of the greater number will cool off" Matt.24:12.
And then you could ask, in what way has it cooled off? Or are we now applying "the greater number" to the number of Jehovah's witnesses, which is stagnant and a 1000+/1 minority in the world?
And then you could ask, in what way has it cooled off? Or are we now applying "the greater number" to the number of Jehovah's witnesses, which is stagnant and a 1000+/1 minority in the world?
Most of the references to this verse in the past 30 years highlight the "increase in lawlessness". Where they talk about love cooling off it's related, as the context suggests, to the general population becoming more selfish and decreasing in their love for God.
The only place it gets close to relating it to Witnesses is in the Insight book under "Love":
One’s Love Can Cool Off. Jesus Christ, in telling his disciples of the things ahead, indicated that the love (a·gaʹpe) of many who professed belief in God would cool off. (Mt 24:3, 12) The apostle Paul said that, as a feature of the critical times to come, men would become “lovers of money.” (2Ti 3:1, 2) It is evident, therefore, that a person can lose sight of right principles and that the proper love he once had can fade away. This emphasizes the importance of constant exercise and development of love by meditation on God’s Word and by molding one’s life according to His principles.—Eph 4:15, 22-24.
The neat trick is that simply through osmosis this idea that this scripture refers to Witnesses gets spread. The phrase the "love of the greater number will cool off" is repeated in conversation and without context yet the context gives a reason for this love cooling off - the increase in lawlessness. When taken in this context it's hard to see a direct prophetic link to the malaise of the Witnesses yet the rank and file see it with no significant and direct discussion by the WTS - in fact the opposite is true.
It's cognitive dissonance. Plain and simple. -
theocratic "CPR"
lol sparrowdown
The world growth rate for 2016 was 1.13% so if you subtract that from the JW increase of 1.8%, that means the real growth was only .67%. Only just keeping up with world the world's population growth.
This figure could also explain the theocratic "CPR" being performed over the last couple of years in the form of shunning talks/videos and apostate warnings and general demonizing of anyone not loyal.
Which is seemingly now turning to pure desperation cf. the impending regional convention series "Don't Give Up"...
Maybe Karma has come to finally bite them in the ass.
During our tough times we were told to..."trust in Jehovah." Maybe WT doesn't have enough faith.
I like how it started going down after the disfellowshipping began.
Uninspiring stats from uninspired leaders. Thank the lard for the internet!
I was just about to say this. Lets see if we can get one of them to say it.
You cant polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.
That's beautiful! I'm gonna use that in the future...of course giving Pale Emperor full credit...lol