Should Bush Make His STATE Visit To The UK Next Week?

by Englishman 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • alirobbi

    Unemployment figures are down But what they don't tell you is what those new jobs ar paying. I can tell you what they are paying around here, 7 bucks an hour if you are lucky. You can not make a living on 7 bucks an hour. I know I am one of those that took a job like that. There were no other jobs that paid more. I am greatful for the job cuz it's better then nothing, but I can tell you I am struggling to just pay my bills and to keep my home.There are no extras. My mother was in a nursing home a couple of hours away and I didn't make enough money to be able to buy the gas to go and visit her. She died and I hadn't seen her for over 6wks because I just flat out couldn't afford it. So they can publish all the figures they want about how many jobs there are but most know that those jobs do not pay enough to make it and really isn't anything to celebrate

  • Mutz

    I wonder if he will bring his bestest buddies, the Bin Ladens, for a trip to the UK? :)

  • ignored_one
    As long as we don't have to shut down the whole of london

    What with all the current and upcoming strikes I don't think us Londoners will notice.


    Ignored One.

  • Satanus

    This should stiffen w's knees, like bush senior's visit from maggie did his. Bet junior also gets a knighting after his tour is finished. Aah, the life of the high born.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I am sure he will be well received and that his hosts will go out of their way to make him comfortable. I am sure the average Englishman will behave properly and that there will be a couple of hundred idiots on some corner and that this is where the CNN cameras will focus their attention.

  • yxl1

    I'll be there with a few Michael Moore books to chuck...; - )

  • seawolf
    I'll be there with a few Michael Moore books to chuck...; - )

    *slips an Al Franken book in your Michael Moore stack*

  • Simon
    the average Englishman

    She's saying you're average Mike ...

    (scrap, scrap, scrap)

  • Englishman
    She's saying you're average Mike ...

    (scrap, scrap, scrap)

    OK, OK, see you over on JWO for a full scale battle.

    Apparantly no-one here knows that I go there sometimes.. Hope no-one is too shocked.

    Mike Hooper. Umm Englishman..

  • DakotaRed

    I see no reason for Bush not to make the visit. He and Blair seem to have become good friends, not always an easy task when one is conservative and the other liberal. I am convinced the British, in their usual manner, will be gracious hosts and welcome him, even if a few malcontents act up.

    On another note, with the mention of job losses and lower paying jobs in the US, look at how US corporations have been shipping jobs overseas, many under NAFTA. Bush isn't toally to blame for all of it, much of it started under the previous administration. Just maybe, we Americans have become spoiled expecting too much.

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