Hi all:
I have to say that reading Ray CofC book was the true turning point for me too!
I had to read it in spurts though as it would get me so upset and riled, I had to keep putting it down and pace or go do something else for awhile. Someone said yesterday (sf?) that finding these things out was like getting a blow to the stomach and not able to get your breath. This was what I, and many of you here too, had based my whole life on, had trusted with all my heart to be the only way to serve God and I was never going to grow old...HA!
Many times, people who have never been a JW, can't understand why we hang on here and don't just let go and forget about the WTS altogether.
If only they could feel what we feel. We were so convinced, so manipulated into absolutely believing all we were told about prophecies, the brotherly love, the preaching work being done, the growth proving God's direction and spirit, the insight into the scriptures, all identifying us as being the one blessed religion, and then the carrot of paradise on earth being dangled in front of us to spur us on to do more.
The GB was painted as this pure, holy, humble, servant of God dedicated to doing God's will in helping us poor lowly sheep. What an eye-opener finding out the details of the real "truth" about the dirty skeletons, the underhandedness, the "hide the truth so our image is squeeky-clean" manipulations.
YES....we have every right to be angry and "froth at the mouth", and feel hurt, disappointed, fearful for our JW relatives and friends. We want the truth to be known to all..the REAL TRUTH.
This control over peoples' lives has to stop. These books, and others like it, are a priceless weapon in destroying the pristine, pretty picture the WTS wants to paint of itself.
These books, along with all the info coming out on the web, and soon in the media, have got to have a domino effect on stirring many more into action...either of leaving or causing enough disruption to result in drastic changes being made.
I hope we see it in our lifetime. I feel so grateful to Ray in getting the ball rolling by exposing the truth to us. I know ones who have talked to Ray recently, and who also say he is such a kind, humble, unassuming, meek man who was duped like us, but has used his knowledge to help so many others break free of their chains.
Had Enough