Didn’t Trump order assassinations in Iran? It was hardly a paradise of peace under the clown president, and we’re lucky it didn’t as a late.
A Month In and Bombs Are Already Falling
by Simon 16 Replies latest social current
😂😂😂😂 no no slim one, that was obama. He call it a “disposition matrix”
Anony Mous
@slimboyfat: no, the assassination was Mossad, Israel’s CIA. Trump rocketed an Iranian terrorist in response to terrorist drone attacking key US infrastructure. Biden, after Iran attacked a US Embassy (similar style to Benghazi), decided to drone strike an empty Shia muslim outpost in Syria the furthest away from Iran. He also allowed Iran to restart their nuclear weapon stockpile.
“Chocolate 80s Dragon” has been added to the accepted gender pronoun list. Let’s keep our eye on the ball, people.
I thought the bombing was related to stopping Iran's influence in Syria? Bombing the buildings they were using. Sounds like something just about any president would choose to stop.
Trump bombed Yemen quite a bit, was that ok? Or was he someone's puppet as well?
This little vid on Biden airstrikes is pretty interesting, lol …