Whats the best thing that has ever happened to you?

by Beans 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Totally realizing that this is not the truth and enjoying life more every single day!

  • Dawn

    The birth of both my children. My wedding day. Getting free of the guilt I had from my JW days. All pretty great things!

  • SpunkyChick

    Beans - Great thread topic! This is a tough one...I would have to say my family as well...and I love all of the traveling I've been able to accomplish in 24 years of life....oh and discovering the fraud behind the witnesses!!

  • Tatiana

    My divorce.

  • czarofmischief

    Getting diffed - although I didn't realize it.

    Getting married - and I did realize it.

    Turning 25 - I started to settle down and quit being so full of angst.

    Realizing that I don't need a woman to make my life happy and complete.

    Yep. Internet porn is a wonderful thing, eh, NOS?


  • Simon

    Becoming a dad. Amazing.

    They make me laugh everyday. I wouldn't swap them for the world.

  • Special K
    Special K

    My kids... I can't picture life without them.

    My husband... Rock solid.

    A brother.. who came back into my life this year, after my being disfellowshipped 10 years ago.

    sincerely thankful

    Special K

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Wasn't this a Barry White song?

  • Sentinel

    There is no doubt. #1 would have to be the birth of my only child and son, who just turned 34. Coming in second, was finding love the second time around, marrying the best mate I could have hoped for and raising his three sons, who have all grown up and married and given us five grandchildren to date.

  • ScoobySnax

    Is this thread the antidote or compliment to Minimus' recent one?

    Disagreeing with the majority concensus at an arrest scenario to withdraw active CPR on a patient (you need 100% agreement) , and to continue........3 months later I saw the said person in Tescos shopping. Amazing,scary, but true.

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