Crazyguy -
Regarding death rate - you're making a bit too large a leap. You can't connect the JW's membership with the global death rate since the JW membership is not a representative sample of the global population. It's heavily skewed to the US and a few other 'western' nations that have death rates drastically lower (roughly half) that of the global death rate.
Furthermore, you need only take a trip to your local KH to see that the JW population is not even representative of the community in which they reside. They're lower income, mostly female and older. Some of this makes the death rate go up, some makes it go down. In short, with the information we have available to us, it's very difficult to estimate the JW death rate. You could probably get closer by doing a weighted average of national death rates for each country (weighted by their percentage of the makeup of JWs) but even that would be flawed.
My guess, though, would be that the JW death rate would be far below the global death rate and would be something closer to 0.08-0.1%.