I was wondering would you like to have ex JW flag or a bumper sticker? If you know how to do some graphics, I would like to see your designs.
Ex JW Flag or a Bumper Sticker?
by Iamallcool 15 Replies latest jw friends
stan livedeath
does this count ?
For me, I wouldn’t want to have 666 on any of my properties. Each to their own!
Truth B Known, Did you make that design? It looks good!
No. I just did a Google-Fu for "Religion is a Snare and a Racket". Apparently there is some knowledge of this phrase by persons outside the Watchtower who know it is a Watchtower catch phrase. The irony...
I think seeing a Bumper sticker as Ex JW would scare the JWs like hell and they would either take an alternate route or would get into a panic Frenzy
St George of England
Did CTR use the phrase "Religion is a snare and a racket"? I thought that was J F Rutherford.
EverApostate, if I see my old JW friends at the Grocery Store Parking lot, I would like for them to give me dirty looks after seeing my ex JW bumper sticker because I don’t give a damn!