The Anointed Class: Do They Have Spirits?

by Cold Steel 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I realize that the anointed class inherits Heaven while the great crowd inherits a renewed Planet Earth, but how and when are the anointed chosen? Are these people born with spirits or do they grow them as they live? When they die, they don't sleep but go right to Heaven, right? But what if an anointed person doesn't make it? What if he/she has lunch with a shunned person or commits some other grievous sin? Do they live on after death?

    As for those who live on Earth, they live forever, but forever is a long time. I don't care if the climate was perfect, I never grew old, all my meals were made by Chi-Chi's and I never had to shower, shave or brush my teeth, forever is a long time -- one hell of a long time! I can't even conceive of five hundred years, much less a million or a trillion.

    Do any of these questions come up at the old KH when people are sitting around just chewing the proverbial fat? I see the Paradise Earth pictures and it looks okay for a week's vacation, but trillions of years?? Do people evolve over that time?

    What's the current thinking?


    For STAR TREK Voyager Fans: Remember the episode where they free the trapped Q? He was imprisoned because he was deemed a threat to his own life because, after experiencing it all, he wanted to commit suicide? Even though he was an omnipotent being, there was nothing new left for him to experience. And it was up to Captain Janeway to decide whether to let him. (She ultimately did.) I'd think that unless people could progress and grow that after awhile they'd go bonkers. (In the case of the suicidal Q, the answer was simple. Had I been the Continuum, I would have let him keep his powers, but I would have wiped his memory and merely let him start over!

    I'm afraid I'd have to push for the same thing if I had to spend a long time on Paradise Earth!

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  • prologos

    they do not have spirits but souls, Rev. 20. if there is anything to organic eternal life, it would have to be transported to a better place, the earth is going to be gone in only 5 billion years. So: find another smaller and younger star with a goldilocks place and hunker down there.

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  • smiddy

    I think the Anointed class have bats in the belfry

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  • fulano

    When they commit a serious sin they get reproved or dfd, in that case there are only 143999. When that person is replaced by another anointed and the dfd returns to the organisation there are 144001. Funny he?

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  • cofty

    Nobody has a "spirit".

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  • Half banana
    Half banana

    On Watchtower Fantasy Island, anything can happen...

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  • Nevuela

    As one JW friend of mine said to someone who said they would get bored living forever:

    "Well, you're bored sitting here right now, aren't you? Do you want to stop existing right this very moment just because you're bored?"

    I can't conceive of living forever either, but she had a good point.

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  • mrquik

    My father-in-law was of the anointed. Neither he nor anyone else I knew as anointed would give any information on how or when they were chosen. Nice scam until everyone else decided they too were of the anointed. That's when the GB decided to scrap the whole idea of them all being equally in charge. They could see this would present a problem should all these new ones want a say in how the organization was being run.

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  • tiki

    Ohh...I am sure they have plenty spirits....Jim beam, Jack Daniels, stoli.....,

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  • JustMe2

    The Society teaches that when the anointed die, they are resurrected as spirit creatures. (They teach that the spirit that all people have is the breath of life, which is impersonal.)


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