After waking up from the truth about the truth, I have decided to go to higher institution for further studies.
by bola 11 Replies latest jw experiences
So my question is how can I succeed academically due to the pressure that I will face in my school work like submitting assignments, writing exams, doing tests and so on.
Also, I want to study BOTANY in my higher institution, so please can anyone in the board send some PDF files regarding botany to me please. I would appreciate it so much. Thanks. -
In addition to my my posts, how can I use the advanced search in doing my research? I would appreciate it also if anyone can explain it to me.
Good for you. See a college counselor for most of your questions. But basically, to succeed academically all you need to do is apply yourself, study hard, be disciplined and organized, turn your assignments in on time and don't be afraid to ask your teachers/professors questions.
I want to study BOTANY in my higher institution, so please can anyone in the board send some PDF files regarding botany to me please.
The first thing you should to is learn to research things yourself. Google is a useful tool for searches.
I work full time and go to school part time. So here is the best advice I can give you. Insist on getting 8 hours (or whatever amount you need to function well) every night. Try your best to avoid robbing from sleep to turn in an assignment (if you must you must, but avoid needless procrastination). You might even find you'll need more sleep than you are used to.
The second thing is that it may take you a while to adjust to being back in school if it's been a long time for you. I'd also recommend picking up "The End of Stress" by Don Joseph Goewey. -
I completed my dissertation [PhD] with two toddlers at home. You can do this. From your post I'd say English is your second language. So I suggest you enroll in a Community College [2year], assuming you're in America. They will help you with the language and give you a good foundation for completing your degree through the university of your choice.
Confirm credit transfer to an instate institution. There are probably some sub 100 classes in your future. These are remedial classes in math and grammar and writing. Pre- College practice tests are available online. Take advantage of that. The adult education experience can be challenging. Persist.
Old Navy
Quote from Jp1692:
The first thing you should to is learn to research things yourself. Google is a useful tool for searches.
Aye, excellent advice! Google is ok but DuckDuckGo is far better.
Old Navy
Something very strange is happening with the insert hyperlink function. Lockups and loss of control. Well DuckDuckGo can be found at and as a search engine is without the restrictions of Google.
Also, YouTube has numerous educational videos available on nearly any topic. You'll find much that interests you.