I should add that they're a lot more likely to talk to you about the signs of the end or the nearness of Armageddon if they believe that you're spiritually weak, and they're trying to "encourage" you. But that pretty much applies to all "spiritual conversation."
Does the average witness still believe in Armageddon?
by czarofmischief 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
In my Geology class we have just being studying scientific (and other) methods of predicting those catastrophic / cataclysmic world events. A part of this was to look at the relguarity with which they happened and it appears that we are due one within the next twenty-five years or so!!!!
Yes, but did those scientific studies say that no JWs would be killed by them?
Anytime a news article about a parent killing a child my parents murmer in shocked awe "Having no natural affection"...when they watch the war coverage in Iraq they say "Things are so awful...the end has to be near".
You may show them the following link.
Ask them what they think of Larry and Constance Slack (The first case on the link), who murdered after torturing their daughter by lashing her 160 times with a rubber coated wire.
Hitting children is common in their religion, even during services.
The Babble is not wrong. Their members believe.
Proverbs 23:13
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.http://www.littlestangels.net/Stories476.html
These links are about the same story.
Hey. After all they were following Babble advice. I could testify about the stories, but nah!!
What makes it worse is that the mother was a Registered Nurse.
Both parents were Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing at the time.
Edited to add more thoughts
Why does everyone assume that the term Armageddon applies to the coming of Christ at the beginning of His Kingdom? Will there not be people to train in this Kingdom with minds to win over and past practices and religions to purge at that time? How can Babylon fall this side of the millennium before resurrected members of it are retrained and such associations corrected? And will there not be a final test to follow? Will this not test the effectiveness of the minds of all those so enlightened? Could this word Armageddon not then apply to this process which leads them to this very (and final) end?
Singing Man
Yes, I had a real nasty bloody dream a few weeks ago that me and my dog Ruddy died at Armagedon by falling in that nasty crack in the earth. Hootie Hooooo
Since the 'generation' change, extra sand has been put into the hourglass (in the average JW mind).
That's why the new yeartext is "Prove yourselves ready" along with the article about today's 'watchfulness taking on greater urgency.' It's banging the '1914/we're in days similar to Noah's' drum again.