Dan my man,
Wouldn't a "pro-peace rally" be a de facto anti-war demonstration?
Actually, the two are completely different, and reveal a different perspective. This is one of my pet peeves. Our society is so hung up on being AGAINST things, that few people are DOING things to make our world better.
For example, our condo board sent out a newsletter, "You are all slobs! The dumpster is a mess! Clean up after yourselves!" I was disgusted with the board, because this was probably the least effective method of dealing with the problem. First of all, the entire complex was painted with the same broad brush. Accusing us all just diminished the power of the statement. Second, if I have been labelled a slob already, how motivated am I going to be to clean up my act?
Much more effective is to expect and reward positive behavior. "With the addition of a recycle bin, we have managed to reduce the volume of garbage picked up every week, resulting in significant cost savings to the complex. In addition, we have had a garbage-free parking lot for two whole months. Way to go, guys!"