God bless them all, for speaking the Truth and exposing lies.
What have you learn being on this site?
by asp59 23 Replies latest watchtower bible
I learnt that I wasn't the only JW that knew that WT have rewritten their own history to make themselves look good, to help cover failed teachings while at the same time promoting their updated version of their history.
"New light" is how they justify their failed prophecy`s , "Evident Realities" that never get realized , False dates for Armageddon , 1914-18 ,1975 ,2000 , however the re-writing of their own history to show them in a good light was the straw that broke the camels back.
That the real JW faith is in the organisation rather than God and Christ. Still ex JWs say say stuff like I used to believe in God. Nay you used to believe in the org. That is sadly often the fact.
Anony Mous
I learnt that there are a LOT more PIMO than PIMI in this organization, if everyone would get the balls to stand up simultaneously, then there would be a mass exodus. The hardcore JW will always exist, but I truly believe, based on the leaks and stories here, that they are a minority within the organization. The majority of the organization are cogs in a wheel, they are there like Catholics that go to mass, it’s a religion they haven’t ever really thought about. Then there is a significant percentage of people that know but are afraid, I would guess that if those would all leave today, they can bring at least 50% of the people with them.
Anony Mous
I learnt that there are a LOT more PIMO than PIMI in this organization
The PIMO phenomenon started around 1995 when the generation that would not die started changing.
That's some 26 years of PIMOs and growing. Possibly about 50 Percent of the 8 million membership could easily be PIMOs. Which is why all publications besides magazines have ceased, and meetings and field service with the excuse of Covidl has come to a close. In the next 25 years or so there will probably be about 10 Percent True Believers holding the fort. Everyone else will be gone.
asp59- you should NEVER rest your faith on people, or it will be a false faith.
Focus on what the Bible teaches- AFTER examining it.
What you learn from this site is next to nothing at ALL.
I have learnt that JW are just another shade of the religious right.
Then you haven't learned anything at ALL...
Beth Sarim
''The PIMO phenomenon started around 1995 when the generation that would not die started changing.
That's some 26 years of PIMOs and growing. Possibly about 50 Percent of the 8 million membership could easily be PIMOs.''
Yes. I remember clearly how the masthead of the Awake magazine changed, and how what the Borg was 'saying' around that time...everything changed and went to the dumper.