Missing WT's on JW Org

by joey jojo 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dagney

    Well well well...a publishing company removing its publishings. Quelle surprise!

  • StephaneLaliberte

    That's something my mom complained to me about. Before, with the Watchtower CD, you easily had access to a lot of documentation and search was straight forward. Today, its like they've gone out of their way to make things complicated and return modern content that is so dumbed down that it doesn't satisfy even MY MOM; and she is far from being the scholar!

  • Gorb

    Strange case! A lot to hide from the transition GB those days.


  • blondie

    Makes me wonder why those volumes left out?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I've just gone on jw dot org online library and they seem to be there. Has anyone else actually checked?

    Publications — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (jw.org)

    Just one year 1987 as an example


  • blondie

    St George, the WTS has a way of making things disappear without announcement, but not in this case, then they hide it, thinking most jws would not look that far back, unless they are reading "apostate" comments. For example, for years the WTS taught that "creative days" were 7,000 years long, in fact, based the 1975 teaching of 1975, that 6,000 years of the 7th day only had 1,000 years left for the 1,000 reign of Christ. Gradually by 1987, no mention of 7,000 creative day again after that year. It became "thousands and thousands of years." how many jws were alive then who are alive today and old enough in 1987 to remember that with intelligence? Yes, the WTS buried it even to the point of having jws get new copies of study books to keep it buried when these books were studied at the "book" study. Unfortunately one older jw had an older copy and the conductor the newer one and the conductor had become a jw as an adult long after 1987. Boy, that was embarrassing trying to explain that. https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/1975.php

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    St George of England
    I've just gone on jw dot org online library and they seem to be there. Has anyone else actually checked?
    Publications — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (jw.org)
    Just one year 1987 as an example

    If you go to jw.org/en/library/onlinelibrary/ , they are all there.

    But if you try jw.org/en/library/magazines/, the watchtowers I mentioned are missing in the drop-down menu.

    It could be a completely meaningless oversight. For some reason, you have a dig a little bit more to find those particular years.

  • blondie

    I have found that the WTS does try to bury things especially in using their index. When something changes, often they just stopping writing about it in their publications and let it just age out.

  • punkofnice

    They can get rid of the whole library and all their propaganda for all l care.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    • so an eight-year-old girl sent a dollar to the Watch Tower Society to help print more Bible magazines: “I like the pretty pictures in The Watchtower . . . Keep up the good work, brothers. . .'

    • That eight-year-old girl should have been hired as a prophetess,

    • ('It began at 8:30 in the morning, with three members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Leo Greenlees, Lyman Swingle and Ewart Chitty, giving fine admonition to the students as well as to the Farm family.')

    • as she closes with, "We have to be good because Jehovah and Dad don’t want us to be fooling around. Love. M. W.”
    • '[Picture on page 24]

      Sixty-first Graduating Class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead'

      & no pictures? One day they'll have a donation box, just to put the pictures back in the magazines.


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