Red or Green Flags....

by The Rebel 17 Replies latest jw friends


    Here's some questions: would you be interested in having the ability to let your votes be seen? "Bert, Ernie and 10 others like this". How about # of votes given and received on people's profile (are you a negative nelly or mr positivity?) as well as the highest combinations (to show if certain people are always liking / disliking the same posters).....Simon

    I`m good with it.....Although......If you post names..


    Some Posters may not Voice their Opinion for Fear of Retaliation..

    .............................From Zealot Predator Posters..

    ........................Image result for Computer Bullies

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Simon, thanks for explaining the criteria for the like/dislike feature.

    Simon (Q) " Would you be interested in having the ability to let your votes be seen?

    The Rebel (A) Yes I would, or rather I would like the ability to explain why I gave a red flag. But i would prefer it being optional as I don't feel the same need to always clarify why I give green flags.

    The reason I raised the O.P was because in my opinion discussion SHOULD ALWAYS be based on one thing OPINION, and no rating system should berate that. Yet I sometimes feel comments are down voted only because the posters option is disliked. Personally I have noted posters who make the most interesting comments receive unfair red flags.

    So emotion rather than reason should not be a criteria to like/dislike posts.

    My other concern with the like/dislike feature is that it can encourage group think.

    However personally I believe the like/dislike is a valuable feature, and maybe a way to improve it would be to limit the amount of " votes" ensuring they become something valuable to the poster. I would suggest for every 5 posts that are made allows you one like/dislike.

    A further observation if you give a red flag for content, it is often worth doing some formal research as sometimes the content that receives red flags is totally unwarranted.

    The Rebel.

  • slimboyfat
    On my screen it appears as thumbs up and down. I'm confused why you're talking about flags. A separate flag option looks like it's for complaining but it's neither green nor red.
  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Slimboyfat (Q) " On my screen it appears as a thumbs up and down. I'm confused when you're talking about flags"

    The Rebel (A) That's why I corrected myself on my second post and reverted to the correct terminology Like/Dislike.

    Slim the fact is we can all be padantic and pretend to be " confused" by words so " goodby" to you, or do I mean " goodbuy" or should I simply say " good-bye" :-)

    I must correct myself and apologise Slim, in my second post I was still referring to the like/ dislike feature as a red or green flag. I guess I am an idiot.

    The Rebel.

  • Sabin

    When I first joined this forum I was not in the best place emotionally getting green flags helped to give me a bit more confidence in expressing myself without fear of how shall I say it, repercussions, like the kind I got from the borg. I was sensitive. I got my first red flag & felt disappointed, then I got a PM from the person, who apologized saying they had done so by accident. They then introduced themselves to me & told me something personal about themselves which I thought was brave. It made me think & I decided I would never give any one a red flag & I haven't, even if I don't like what they say. I will PM them & say my piece if I feel it is personal & the person would not want that put on the forum for every body to see or I will say my piece on a post.

    And quite frankly I don't give a flying f...k if you like that answer or no. It does lift one to get a green flag, & the red ones I recommend you ignore.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Sabin that was a lovely post and this is for you 👌

    The Rebel.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    I may be an idiot but being an honest idiot I am sure on this thread I have mistakenly just given a dislike to post I meant to give a like. Am I the only " idiot" that has done this?

    The Rebel.

  • slimboyfat
    I thought you were probably talking about like and dislike but I wasn't sure because I use an iPad and it may look different. Plus there is a flag option too next to the like button.

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