I know what you may be thinking by the title but bear with me. Have you ever reflected on past service experiences and think wow if only I had listened to a householder? Two things come to my mind of personal experience. 1. I remember someone in service asking me a question I couldn’t answer (big surprise right)? I told them I would look it up and return. I never went back. I guess it’s that feeling you get when you know you couldn’t possibly answer it with the organization material. And please don’t ask me to remember the question he asked I don’t remember but I remember the experience.
Another one was where someone offered me their literature and said they would take mine. Alarms going off in my head I wasn’t about to do that. Course later in life when you wake up to the real truth about the truth you know why you didn’t accept theirs.
But I was thinking about this and just how indoctrinated I used to be and how there was no critical thinking allowed. Do any of you have any experiences that you thought of later and just how crazy it is to think back and be like how did I not see this before?