zelevis has left the building

by zelevis 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    ThAnKe YoU zElEvIs. I wIlL tAkE yOuR kInD wOrDs UnDeR aDvIseMeNt.

    YoU hAvE pRoVeN tO bE a GrEaT rEmInDeR oF wHy I lEfT tHe WaTcHtOwEr.

    I kNoW tHaT mY wOrDs To YoU iN mY oThEr PoStS WiLl fOlLoW yOu So LoNg As YoU rEmAiN iN tHe WaTcHtOwEr... ThE oNlY rEaSoN yOu ArE hErE iS bEcAuSe Of ThE dOuPtS aBoUt WaTcHtOwEr tHaT yOu StRuGgLe To IgNoRe, BuT cAn'T.

    jUsT bEcAuSe ThEy PuT a HeAvY bUrDeN oN yOu DoEs nOt MaKe ThEm RiGhTiOuS.

  • shamus

    eLsWhErE iS A gEeK!

  • CountryGuy

    I'm with you on the French thing Nilfun...

    only I thought it Pepi Le Pew talking about his blue jeans... Ze Levis

    Anyway, Zelevis. Go where you are happiest. And if that is with the WTS, stay there. And please, pay close attention to the brother at the Theocratic Ministry School. Formatting posts should be much like giving a talk. The better thought out it is... the easier it will be for your audience to understand you. Honestly, you rambled so bad in your posts, I kept hearing the voice of Barney Gumbel from the Simpson's. D'oh!

  • shamus

    Now that's not a very loving thing to say, country guy! See, you're supposed to say it BEHIND HIS BACK, where nobody can see. He's used to that, or, rather, we all are, b/c we used to be witnesses too.

    Witnesses cannot handle convfrontation. They just let things build up in them till they explode and go out and hump 30 women and smoke crack, then come back "saved" again, LOL! I suppose if I was 22 and in the troof again I would be just as strange!

  • sens

    LOL!!!!!!!! @ Elsewhere!!!!!!!

    against god and his people

    news flash...they aint God's people

  • FreeWilly

    Bevis I mean zelvis, be a good boy and go highlight some kingdumb ministries. And press those geeked up clothes so you can peddle some more books about the 'troof'. And the next time you're trolling around the assembly hall wondering why there are no hot women, keep you chin up cuz in the new system, that haggard, buck tooth gal you met while peddling your comic books in the hills of West Virginia will turn into Cinderella - just like in the magazines!

    And that little voice in the back of you're head that dreads the pathetic existence you're destined to live as a 'dub'...... ignore it, it'll go away.

    Now go snipe some other board

  • wannaexit


    I wish you all the best. But PLEASE buy yourself a good dictionary and work on your spelling.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Since you also post under at least one other nickname, I trust this really isn't "good bye".

  • onacruse

    Jim, last night I cross-checked all of abraham's posts and zelevis's posts, and didn't find any IP matches (though the writing style is very similar). If you like, p/m me...there is virtually no good reason for multiple accounts.

    btw, congrats on Jedi! I always enjoy your posts.


  • cruzanheart
    there for my user name is a remider to u all of what u come off as

    I think we come off as people who have a very hard time understanding what the *&()*&(* you are trying to say with your abbreviations, misspelling and bad grammar. The only thing I come away with is that you don't think very much of us, so please feel free to run -- not walk -- back to your local Kingdom Hall and enjoy the Pablum they spoon-feed you loyal little robots.


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