I was only 10 months old in July of 1969. I remember the international assembly of 1979, which was five(?) days. And seeing the program with the attendance for each day written in pen certainly takes me back. I can remember how awed we always were at the number of people who were in attendance, until sometime in the early 90s (restructuring of some circuits in our area led to much smaller conventions, I can remember Yankee Stadium looking very empty in 1995. Attendance in the low 20,000s felt so disappointing).
The Major League Baseball All-Star Game.....And, An Assembly
by titch 13 Replies latest jw experiences
I was at Dodger Stadium...I worked security, so I was one of the "privileged" ones who could roam the grounds and flirt with the girls without being admonished by the attendants. It was fun, but also interminably long!
My Name is of No Consequence
I was never at Dodger Stadium, but I remember the days at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh in the late 1980's and early 1990's. I was just a pup back then.
You and me both Dagney. I was in the orchestra. The Sunday session ended early so we had time to get home to watch Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. Snoozing through the All Star game as I write this.
Oh I remember it well! I liked to go down there on the field and visit my bro who was also in the orchestra, it was a cool place to hang out. I forgot about the moon landing.
We left the country soon after to be "need greaters" lol. I attended the "Peace on Earth" convention THREE more times in different countries.