Every drop of breast milk has roughly 1 million white blood cells in it. So the next time you see a jw drink milk or eating milk with his cereal etc. You must run over and take it out of his/her hands and then give them a stern warning. I'm serious it could mean their lives and if you don't do it, you to could die being blood guilty and all. SO DO IT AND LIVE!
Very important, you must save JWs from dieing at Armageddon!
by Crazyguy 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You must be joking, right? Breast milk, not milk from the store, that's different. -
Really, are you sure, why would human milk have white blood cells but not cows milk? Cows do have white blood cells in their milk and the milk industry says they try to reduce the amount but there still there. Pray man pray for jws and save a life. -
OK, you are right. I just researched this online. "Blood Cells: The USDA allows up to 1.5 million white blood cells per milliliter of commonly-sold milk."
I guess JW's will have to stop drinking milk. I'm surprised no one (including me) ever thought of this before. Human blood contains about 4,000-10,000 white cells per milliliter. -
Knowing this now, makes me think...did the GB know stuff like this all along and just not tell anyone? -
I think that the elders should monitor the mothers' room at the hall.
Only formula.
JeffT the research I have done says that theres a lot more white cells in human breast milk then 4-10,000 -
Huh? Has the Watchtower decreed that white blood cells are a no-no? -
Yes white blood cells bad very bad.