I don't know if anybody else has brought this point up yet on these different 2034 threads but ... Their Watchtower article that linked Armageddon with the Flood, said that the Flood came 120 years after JUDGMENT was passed http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/61661/1.ashx Watchtower, Dec 15th 2003 divine decree in 2490 B.C.E Altho they mention 1914 in the next paragraph, 1914 was the ENTHRONEMENT year for Jesus not the judgment year. After Jesus was enthroned in the fall of 1914, there was a delay until 1918 when he entered his heavenly temple ( whatever the hell that?s supposed to mean ). He then appointed the BOrg as his Faithful and Discreet Slave in the spring of 1919 and also at that time, passed JUDGMENT on the world and condemned Christendom So the judgment began in the spring of 1919 ( if I?m remembering my BOrg chrono correctly ) As 2034 approaches, the BOrg will buy itself a little breathing room by pushing the end forward to 2039 ?Tow the line until ?39? ? ?Brainwashing is fine until ?39? ? David
The BOrg will adjust the 2034 date with this "new light"
by skiz 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
They could also say that it took 120 years to build the ark - the ark of course being the WBTS. They might then say that it was a week before the rains started, and do their "prophetic day equals a year" thing and buy themselves until 2041. They could also allow for the time it took to stock the ark after it was built - there's no end of ways they can fiddle the figures once they get started down this road!
What about the fact that the bible says "no one knows the hour." Doesn't that have more credibility than the Watchtower??
Are people really going to fall for this?? Is this officially their new date?
Can they really be serious???
They could also have said no such thing, either. You guys crack me up. The Society says enough crap without our trying to say something they never really said in the first place. Why spread a false rumour? Why read into things? I know------Because it's fun!
Jealous because the "new date" threads are generally running longer than your average question thread, Minimus?
What about the fact that the bible says "no one knows the hour."
They don't know the hour...only the year.
They don't know the hour...only the year.
That's an old chestnut used by doomsaying end-times prophecy guys for some time. From Barry Smith's 1979 book Warning:
Warning, p. 5: " Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ only said that people would not know the hour or the day. He did not mention weeks, months or years."
and from an article I wrote (inspired by a Farkel post) entitled 20 (or so) Reasons you may be a Barry Smith Follower:
1. If you feel the Bible verse "...of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" (Matt 24:36) doesn't prevent someone from trying to work out the year, you may be a Barry Smith follower.
Ahhh you got that one wrong Steph. I keep posting on these false date threads (that are not mine). I just don't agree with this new lite as expounded by some on the board. I don't agree that 2034 is a date being thrown around by the Society. I think it's a figment of your imagination.
Like all predictions, Minimus, time will tell whether or not you're right. I'd not sell my house (or make fun of my compatriots) based on one...
Stephanus---I'm not making fun of anyone here on this issue. I just view it differently. Hey, if you guys are right and I'm not----it wouldn't be the first time I've goofed.......But meanwhile, I see only flimsy "evidence" for support. A good lawyer would rip the "evidence" apart.