but now--at nearly 68----i have these 2 MG's
No Sports Cars Please!
by snugglebunny 39 Replies latest jw friends
Lol - Love the registration Stan
stan livedeath
yeah--Cantleave made me buy it--blame him lol -
Pickup trucks are a no-no as well. Mini vans are recomended -
It's a sure way to "gauge" the spirituality of a person.
Its true, its one of the things where there is expressive guilt as being selfish and materialistic.
A 4 door car is service capable.
Where is your devotion to Jehovah ?
Back in the early 90's there was a elder that refused to acknowledge me and the wife out in service because we drove a 2 Door Toyota sports car.
It was one of my early awakening moments.
I definitely remember that people who bought 2-door cars were looked on suspiciously. I know of at least one case where a young man buying a 2-door car actually held him back from being appointed an MS, because the elders took it as proof that he wasn't "spiritually-minded" enough.
But I can't recall anything from a CO or district convention saying anything so specific. I would assume it was just one of those "things" that's neither official or unofficial, yet somehow becomes law on its own.
To this day I'm hesitant to buy a 2-door car, that's how much the unofficial policy affected me. Even though I haven't had anyone in the back seat in several years.
It's more of a rural vs. urban thing here in the US. In areas where you are constantly driving from house to house, then yes, a 4 door car is definitely the thing to have to please everyone.
In more semi-urban areas (as I live) where you drive, get out of your car, and then don't get back into your car until it's time to go home, it is a non issue.
Of course in urban areas and cities, many people don't have cars anyway.
So it really comes down to how likely you are to be in a car or just walking that, IMO, makes for the 2 door vs. 4 door car debate.
Rub a Dub
Never heard of this unwritten rule. There were a few lads in our hall as I was growing get up. We had lots of 2 door cars between us, but still managed to squeeze in when going door to door as well as trips to parties and the occasional centre parks trip.
I really miss my 2.2 litre Honda Prelude!