So the occupation of Afghanistan is coming to an end and, as predicted, they achieved absolutely NOTHING in that 20 years apart from:
The death of 2,300+ service personnel and tens of thousands more seriously maimed or injured.
Handing $billions or even $trillions of taxpayer dollars to defence contractors (so the military industrial complex wins, even if the military doesn't have a clear victory).
Has this lengthy but short-term military occupation really changed anything in the country? It doesn't appear so.
I said at the time that the US wouldn't have the staying power to enact real change. They lack the political stability and will-power for the length of campaign necessary to transform a culture, which has to be multi-generational.
Remember: next time your "leaders" tell you to go to war for dubious reasons, grab the nearest rifle and point it at them - that's the only fight worth fighting.