My son Dominic graduated Friday from Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Benning, GA. Needless to say, I'm a VERY proud mom. He has been selected to join the Honor Guard (or Old Guard) and will be stationed at Fort Myer, VA...but we get to have him home for a few weeks. Here are a few pics of his graduation. His nickname on base was Neo, because he resembles Keanu Reeves. I think he looks better! But I'm somewhat biased.
I have no doubt that the training was especially rigorous, and that your son must be quite accomplished in order to be placed on the Honor Guard! You have every right to fluff your feathers and strut!
Thanks growedup. He said it was the toughest 14 weeks of his life (so far), I'm just glad it's over so he can get some sleep! He only slept 15 hours in his last 5 days there....I think they were trying to kill them! I know, I know...I'm such a Mom.