I wonder if some of my co-workers are JWs too

by Elsewhere 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I already know that my supervisor is a JW... but I'm starting to wonder if my group has several JWs in it.

    Today the company put together a catered Thanksgiving lunch... turkey, ham, and all the trimmings. T'was very good.

    It seemed like everyone was getting in line to get some... but on my way to my seat I noticed two people who sit near me were not eating the Thanksgiving lunch. One was eating a sandwich from Subway that he had to go out to get, and the other, when I told her about all the good food right outside the door, politely declined saying that she had a salad that she was about to eat. Something just doesn't add up... people just don't turn down a Turkey and Ham meal with all the trimmings so they can drive down the road and pay for a sandwich.

    You know how JWs like to hire other JWs, I wonder if that is what is going on here.

  • Shutterbug

    What did the supervisor eat ???

  • Elsewhere

    I walked past his office after getting my plate and his door was closed... which usually means he is out. Odds are he went out to eat.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Maybe their of another religion? Or maybe they dont' like turkey or ham.. heheh. They could be Witnesses. Why don't you ask them after you get to know then a little better. Or maybe someone else in your office knows.

    We had some people in the office that wouldn't eat the stuff put out for birthdays or holidays because they were on very strict diets and had to eat stuff that they brought from home because of their dietary restrictions. Who knows.


  • tink

    maybe salad lady is a vegan

  • Elsewhere

    Very true Tink!

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Maybe, like the rest of us, they are dieting, in expectation of the great turkey and trimmings next week.

    Maybe, they are allergic to Turkey?

    Maybe, the thought of tortured turkeys and pigs being sent to slaughter for hapiness of the office thanksgiving lunch is just too much for them to bear. They loose sleep over it at night and felt so guilted they will be lighting candles tonight for the poor innocent souls that gave their life for your worldy tradition.

    Or maybe they are JWs too :)

  • Stephanus

    There's lots of explanations that could explain a couple of hold outs. Jews and Muslims probably wouldn't join in 1. simply because of the ham and 2. because they have to have their meat done the halal/kosher way. Allergies and strict diets are definitely another possibility, and vegetarianism would be my first thought for "salad girl".

    If they were Dubs, wouldn't they automatically all eat together for mutual comfort and "protection"? If you've not seen them all together before in a workplace "clique", chances are they're not Dubs, IMO.

  • Elsewhere

    Today I brought in a smoked turkey for everyone and everyone loved it... aside from the one known JW.

    It turns out that the girl with the salad is doing the atkins diet and did not want to be tempted by all the fix'ins.

  • Stephanus

    Don't let the Dubs win by making you paranoid, Elsewhere!

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