I already know that my supervisor is a JW... but I'm starting to wonder if my group has several JWs in it.
Today the company put together a catered Thanksgiving lunch... turkey, ham, and all the trimmings. T'was very good.
It seemed like everyone was getting in line to get some... but on my way to my seat I noticed two people who sit near me were not eating the Thanksgiving lunch. One was eating a sandwich from Subway that he had to go out to get, and the other, when I told her about all the good food right outside the door, politely declined saying that she had a salad that she was about to eat. Something just doesn't add up... people just don't turn down a Turkey and Ham meal with all the trimmings so they can drive down the road and pay for a sandwich.
You know how JWs like to hire other JWs, I wonder if that is what is going on here.