Kid Rock

by Sentinel 17 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Sentinel

    This is just my opinion, but I watched his performance last night, and cringed while he sang off key This was the first time I'd heard him perform, and about all he could do in key was scream. Guess that just isn't my thing. I'll take the original recording artist any time. I can't believe he got the award he did.

  • nilfun

    I scream

    you scream

    we all scream

    Kid Rock screams

    and that is the secret to his success...

    So sorry you had to suffer like that, Sentinel!

    Personally, I'd take Chris Cornell's screams over Kid's Rocks anyday.

  • Sentinel

    Thanks for the input. I'm a great lover of good rock since the 60's. It's great to know I can still call em, and Kid is getting away with the worse form of flatery--horrible immitation.

  • Badger

    To call up that great College Football chant:





  • czarofmischief

    Saw Kid Rock with Aerosmith and Run DMC.

    Was a great show. But Aerosmith showed why they'll still be rocking when Kid is dead with a cocaine overdose.

    That was one of Jam Master Jay's last shows, too.


  • Badger

    Czar saw aerosmith

    badger is jealous

  • Mulan

    I saw Kid Rock on Saturday night, on a Johnny Cash tribute, and he sang great, on key and really good. I had never heard him before and was impressed. He sang Johnny's song "What is Truth?"

    Last night, I changed the channel. He was terrible.

  • Sentinel

    The Kid is no doubt either doing drugs or boozing heavily before some performances. The way his eyelids hung heavy and he slurred. In a recording studio that is no doubt avoided, but live performances probably make him nervous anyway. Hope he gets on the right path soon. (He kinda reminds me of my first mate, who went down the road of self destruction......and never got past 33.)

  • yxl1
    Personally, I'd take Chris Cornell's screams over Kid's Rocks anyday.

    Did any of you check out his solo album? He released it just after soundgarden split. Well worth a purchase.

  • Frantic

    I dont like Kid Rock Period. I liked Metallicas performance, great riffage!
    I actually didnt mind his screams because I can tolerate heavy music, even death growls and high pitch screams.
    Chris Cornell is ok, and so is audioslave, kinda second rate band in my opinion. I wouldnt mind seeing Audioslave live though. Rage should of never disbanded.
    Frantically Insane Andy.

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